Iowa: Socialists campaign door to door, workers sign to put candidates on ballot

Hmm. Personally I think it comes down to what Owen said. There won't be such violence if the benefits of modern society are shared properly. If folks have a job they enjoy; if places of work are also places of education and creative expression; if everyone is guaranteed a basic standard of living; if political control is direct and open equally to all; if streets are clean; if food is wholesome; if schools are individual-centric and of of high standards; if healthcare, both physical and mental, is provided; if this becomes the case for all (if not most) people, gun violence won't plauge us as it does now.

A garden is a good metaphor for society. Because unless the plants have the right external conditions, and unless they don't compete with each other, they won't thrive.

Oh I agree...poverty=desperation=poor choices… poor choices include drugs, alcohol etc to provide a temporary escape from the desperation...which leads to addiction.

Of course, our most addictive drugs are illegal, which means someone has to be outside.of the law to supply them, and as long as there's money to be made(escape from poverty itself with a high risk/reward ratio) there will be people willing to do that.

So, you have impoverished addicts willing to do almost anything to achieve that escape and outlaws supplying that escape....which leads to crime and violence.
Iowa is not a red State dude. Iowa may be sparsely populated but most of the people live there in cities and suburban regions. They have only voted Republican for President once in the last 24 years. Republican candidates have won there once in the last 7 presidential elections.

Ok....I stand corrected.