Iran Endorses Harris.


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Iranian hackers sent stolen Trump campaign info to Biden (HARRIS) campaign associates, FBI says

Iranians sent “unsolicited emails” that included stolen material that was not publicly available from former President Donald Trump’s campaign to people associated with his Democratic political rival, the FBI and two other government agencies said Wednesday.

The FBI and officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said there was "currently no information" indicating that recipients associated with President Joe Biden's campaign had responded to the emails, which the government officials condemned as part of an effort "to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our electoral process."

The agencies had confirmed last month that Iran was behind efforts this year to compromise presidential campaigns of both parties after Trump's campaign accused Iran of a hacking attempt in June.

Iranian hackers have continued to make attempts since late June to transmit nonpublic stolen material tied to Trump’s campaign to media organizations, according to Wednesday’s statement, which noted that the FBI is tracking the activity......
Clearly Iran and Russia prefer Harris. A vote for Harris is a vote for an Iranian nuclear weapon. Putin endorsed Harris and now Iran has endorsed her by sending her hacked Trump emails.

Iranian hackers sent stolen Trump campaign info to Biden (HARRIS) campaign associates, FBI says

Iranians sent “unsolicited emails” that included stolen material that was not publicly available from former President Donald Trump’s campaign to people associated with his Democratic political rival, the FBI and two other government agencies said Wednesday.

The FBI and officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said there was "currently no information" indicating that recipients associated with President Joe Biden's campaign had responded to the emails, which the government officials condemned as part of an effort "to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our electoral process."

The agencies had confirmed last month that Iran was behind efforts this year to compromise presidential campaigns of both parties after Trump's campaign accused Iran of a hacking attempt in June.

Iranian hackers have continued to make attempts since late June to transmit nonpublic stolen material tied to Trump’s campaign to media organizations, according to Wednesday’s statement, which noted that the FBI is tracking the activity......
Clearly Iran and Russia prefer Harris. A vote for Harris is a vote for an Iranian nuclear weapon. Putin endorsed Harris and now Iran has endorsed her by sending her hacked Trump emails.
Trump had no problems using material that was hacked by Russia in 2016.

Iranian hackers sent stolen Trump campaign info to Biden (HARRIS) campaign associates, FBI says

Iranians sent “unsolicited emails” that included stolen material that was not publicly available from former President Donald Trump’s campaign to people associated with his Democratic political rival, the FBI and two other government agencies said Wednesday.

The FBI and officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said there was "currently no information" indicating that recipients associated with President Joe Biden's campaign had responded to the emails, which the government officials condemned as part of an effort "to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our electoral process."

The agencies had confirmed last month that Iran was behind efforts this year to compromise presidential campaigns of both parties after Trump's campaign accused Iran of a hacking attempt in June.

Iranian hackers have continued to make attempts since late June to transmit nonpublic stolen material tied to Trump’s campaign to media organizations, according to Wednesday’s statement, which noted that the FBI is tracking the activity......
Clearly Iran and Russia prefer Harris. A vote for Harris is a vote for an Iranian nuclear weapon. Putin endorsed Harris and now Iran has endorsed her by sending her hacked Trump emails.

I think you might be a bit confused.

The Iranians don't support EITHER candidate but they have figured out like the Russians did if they play one side off the other it will further drive the division and political instability in the US that will work to their advantage.

Iran couldn't care less who is running. But the know (just look at JPP) that we are now so polarized we are tearing our own country to shreds.

Save them the time and effort.
Really. If Hitler was still around, #TRE45ON would be praising him for "taking care of the problems in his country" and wishing he could do the same here. And the MAGATs would be pumping their fists and yelling "Fuck yeah!"
Yup, he admires strength, for strengths sake.

To my the only strength to admire is that which is used for good.

Yet YOUR guy, WHILE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, EXPRESSLY stated in Helsinki that he preferred the word of Vlad PUtin over US intelligence.

And, honestly, at the end of the day you can't get past this:

“The man [Putin] has very strong control over a country,” he said. “Now, it’s a very different system and I don’t happen to like the system, but certainly in that system, he’s been a leader. Far more than our president has been a leader.” (September 7, 2016) (emphasis added)

or this:

“Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!” (December 20, 2016)

or this:

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.” (SOURCE)

or this:

“They say, ‘Trump said Putin’s smart.’ I mean, he’s taking over a country for two dollars’ worth of sanctions,” Trump told a crowd at a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago, according to a recording of the event. “I’d say that’s pretty smart. He’s taking over a country – really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking right in.” (SOURCE)

Iranian hackers sent stolen Trump campaign info to Biden (HARRIS) campaign associates, FBI says

Iranians sent “unsolicited emails” that included stolen material that was not publicly available from former President Donald Trump’s campaign to people associated with his Democratic political rival, the FBI and two other government agencies said Wednesday.

The FBI and officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said there was "currently no information" indicating that recipients associated with President Joe Biden's campaign had responded to the emails, which the government officials condemned as part of an effort "to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our electoral process."

The agencies had confirmed last month that Iran was behind efforts this year to compromise presidential campaigns of both parties after Trump's campaign accused Iran of a hacking attempt in June.

Iranian hackers have continued to make attempts since late June to transmit nonpublic stolen material tied to Trump’s campaign to media organizations, according to Wednesday’s statement, which noted that the FBI is tracking the activity......
Clearly Iran and Russia prefer Harris. A vote for Harris is a vote for an Iranian nuclear weapon. Putin endorsed Harris and now Iran has endorsed her by sending her hacked Trump emails.
What “ex” forgot to mention is that none of the Democrats even opened up the messages, completely unlike the Trump campaign in 2016
I think you might be a bit confused.

The Iranians don't support EITHER candidate but they have figured out like the Russians did if they play one side off the other it will further drive the division and political instability in the US that will work to their advantage.

Iran couldn't care less who is running. But the know (just look at JPP) that we are now so polarized we are tearing our own country to shreds.

Save them the time and effort.
The right here are foriegn disinformation programs

They are bot holes

That’s why they never accept facts and never learn they are being played by evil people

They are the tools of evil people

This country is about to heave this evil in the sewer
What “ex” forgot to mention is that none of the Democrats even opened up the messages, completely unlike the Trump campaign in 2016

The Republican Party has embraced every foreign lie designed to kill American democracy

The Republicans now hate democracy and the founders
It always shocks me that they never learn.
They never learn anything they are soooo stupid they think Trump actually cares about what they want and need when he has come right out and told them he doesn't care a bit about them he just wants their vote and their money they just laugh.
And they think he is the one that is going to up hold the CONSTITUTION when he has already expressed his wanting to become the first Dictator of the USA , he has said he wants to take left leaning peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights away, Take their guns away and we will deal with the due process thing later, taking peoples Second Amendment rights away.
He wants to shut down a lot of the MSM outlets some that have talk shows and call in shows taking peoples first Amendment rights away.
YES they are soo stupid they don't listen to just what Trump says and as I have asked them and haven't got an answer YET What happens when Trump is done stomping on those peoples Constitutional rights and comes after YOURS?
I guess they will cry, and cry REALLY loud, I can hear them now " we never thought he would do this to US " boo hoo, boo hoo
They better watch out for what they THINK they want because once they get it and it turns on them and bites them in the ass it is too late to go back.
Have a nice day