Iran has chosen self-destruction,

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And it would be the equivalent of M.A.D., because only a fool would believe that all that fallout would just stay exactly where they bombed for all time ... assuming a united Arab/Muslim coalition didn't reduce Israel to rubble first.

Fallout is a factor of vaporizing matter. An airburst flattens cities with minimal fallout. A surface or subsurface burst is used to take out underground fortifications or missile silos. The latter would certainly generate a lot of fallout.

Another factor is timing. In the middle of a hot, windy day would spread a lot of fallout. Just before dawn when the temps are cool and the winds calm would be minimal fallout.

Again, last resort. I hope most adult liberals understand this term because it seems the JPP liberals do not.

Response to sentences:

1. A moot point, as this is common knowledge.

2. Pure speculation. Also, you forget that "minimal" fallout is nothing to sneeze at, full of deadly doses of radiation that remains so for a LONG time. Also, weather changes and wind patterns certainly would for a brief time as that nuke explosion would generate a LOT of wind and vacuum and such.

3. Again, a move out of sheer, foolish desperation (see #1 & #2). Just saying.
Response to sentences:

1. A moot point, as this is common knowledge.

2. Pure speculation. Also, you forget that "minimal" fallout is nothing to sneeze at, full of deadly doses of radiation that remains so for a LONG time. Also, weather changes and wind patterns certainly would for a brief time as that nuke explosion would generate a LOT of wind and vacuum and such.

3. Again, a move out of sheer, foolish desperation (see #1 & #2). Just saying.
1. Then why didn’t you understand it? Were you pushing a false narrative for an emotional response?

2. I grew up as a military brat throughout the 1960s and early 1970s Duck’N’Cover era then joined the military where I learned a lot about tactical nukes. I have a very comfortable knowledge of the effects of nuclear weapons. What is your level of expertise with nukes, TC?

3. You really believe Israel would never use nukes if it looked like their nation would be overrun or nuked itself? Why do they have them then? Why do they have the Jericho-3?
1. Then why didn’t you understand it? Were you pushing a false narrative for an emotional response?

2. I grew up as a military brat throughout the 1960s and early 1970s Duck’N’Cover era then joined the military where I learned a lot about tactical nukes. I have a very comfortable knowledge of the effects of nuclear weapons. What is your level of expertise with nukes, TC?

3. You really believe Israel would never use nukes if it looked like their nation would be overrun or nuked itself? Why do they have them then? Why do they have the Jericho-3?

1. Don't act stupid. As the exchange shows, it was YOU who tried to somehow diminish what I previously stated with a moot point. Sorry Dutch, but only the guy you see in the mirror buys into your attempted smoke screen.

2. :rolleyes: Yeah, like I believe every convenient claim by folk here when it comes to them trying to defend the indefensible. So you're in your late 70's or early 80's now. That means by the time suit case bombs, neutron bombs, cruise missile nukes and the like came about, you were honorably discharged. And you had ONLY general knowledge of the weapons for deployment and more or less info that civilians obtained via books and articles written by former experts (military and civilian) in the field. You're no expert and I never claimed to be. So spare me the BS.

3. I suggesting it's highly unlikely, but not out of the realm of possibility. After all, we're dealing with religious fanatics on both sides of the fence. Bottom line: announce you have a nuke, and suddenly everyone else takes a step back and thinks things over. And remember, Israel has denied having those weapons for decades (do they still do?). Hell, they even threw a whistleblower in jail over it.

I'll pick this up tomorrow.
1. Don't act stupid. As the exchange shows, it was YOU who tried to somehow diminish what I previously stated with a moot point. Sorry Dutch, but only the guy you see in the mirror buys into your attempted smoke screen.

2. :rolleyes: Yeah, like I believe every convenient claim by folk here when it comes to them trying to defend the indefensible. So you're in your late 70's or early 80's now. That means by the time suit case bombs, neutron bombs, cruise missile nukes and the like came about, you were honorably discharged. And you had ONLY general knowledge of the weapons for deployment and more or less info that civilians obtained via books and articles written by former experts (military and civilian) in the field. You're no expert and I never claimed to be. So spare me the BS.

3. I suggesting it's highly unlikely, but not out of the realm of possibility. After all, we're dealing with religious fanatics on both sides of the fence. Bottom line: announce you have a nuke, and suddenly everyone else takes a step back and thinks things over. And remember, Israel has denied having those weapons for decades (do they still do?). Hell, they even threw a whistleblower in jail over it.

I'll pick this up tomorrow.
1) Stupidity is ignoring two questions when it should be obvious to all that answering them would be embarrassing for you. Alphas own it, Betas weasel out and run from it. A common trait of political extremists be they Left or Right. The fact you are blaming me for your perceptions is also less than what an Alpha would do.

2.Please tell me more about your experience and training with suitcase bombs, neutron bombs. Neutron bombs are cool because they kill the people but leave the buildings. LOL. Does Israel have them? I’ve seen no indications they have nothing but a selectable 150-400Kt bomb and possible MIRVs with smaller yields. This latter one would be best for Tehran since it minimizes fallout as an airblast, with specific targets in the city with an up to 700 ft blast radius for an airburst.*. 700ft covers the distance from the outside corner of WTC1 to the outside corner of WTC2. The Capitol is 750 ft x 350 ft. The Pentagon has a 1400 ft radius. No doubt Tehran has comparative buildings.

3. We’re agreed on that point; as I keep saying “last resort”.

A 400Kt and 100Kt bomb blast radiaii can be found in the calculator above.
Fireball duration =3.0 Seconds

Fireball radius at thermal minimum =301.4 meters

Fireball radius at breakaway for air bust (the fireball does not touch the ground) =368.3 meters <1208.33 ft, 0.229 mile>

Fireball radius at breakaway for contact surface burst (the fireball touch the ground) =485.5 meters

Approximate maximum height of burst for appreciable local fallout is:602.7 meters

Fireball duration =1.6 Seconds

Fireball radius at thermal minimum =173.1 meters

Fireball radius at breakaway for air bust (the fireball does not touch the ground) =211.5 meters < 693.9 ft, 0.13 mile>

Fireball radius at breakaway for contact surface burst (the fireball touch the ground) =278.9 meters

Approximate maximum height of burst for appreciable local fallout is:346.2 mete
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. Don't act stupid. As the exchange shows, it was YOU who tried to somehow diminish what I previously stated with a moot point. Sorry Dutch, but only the guy you see in the mirror buys into your attempted smoke screen.

2. Yeah, like I believe every convenient claim by folk here when it comes to them trying to defend the indefensible. So you're in your late 70's or early 80's now. That means by the time suit case bombs, neutron bombs, cruise missile nukes and the like came about, you were honorably discharged. And you had ONLY general knowledge of the weapons for deployment and more or less info that civilians obtained via books and articles written by former experts (military and civilian) in the field. You're no expert and I never claimed to be. So spare me the BS.

3. I suggesting it's highly unlikely, but not out of the realm of possibility. After all, we're dealing with religious fanatics on both sides of the fence. Bottom line: announce you have a nuke, and suddenly everyone else takes a step back and thinks things over. And remember, Israel has denied having those weapons for decades (do they still do?). Hell, they even threw a whistleblower in jail over it.

I'll pick this up tomorrow.

1) Stupidity is ignoring two questions when it should be obvious to all that answering them would be embarrassing for you. Alphas own it, Betas weasel out and run from it. A common trait of political extremists be they Left or Right. The fact you are blaming me for your perceptions is also less than what an Alpha would do.

2.Please tell me more about your experience and training with suitcase bombs, neutron bombs. Neutron bombs are cool because they kill the people but leave the buildings. LOL. Does Israel have them? I’ve seen no indications they have nothing but a selectable 150-400Kt bomb and possible MIRVs with smaller yields. This latter one would be best for Tehran since it minimizes fallout as an airblast, with specific targets in the city with an up to 700 ft blast radius for an airburst.*. 700ft covers the distance from the outside corner of WTC1 to the outside corner of WTC2. The Capitol is 750 ft x 350 ft. The Pentagon has a 1400 ft radius. No doubt Tehran has comparative buildings.

3. We’re agreed on that point; as I keep saying “last resort”.

A 400Kt and 100Kt bomb blast radiaii can be found in the calculator above.

1. The chronology of the posts shows who is BS'ing here, Dutch....your ardent denial non-withstanding to the objective reader. This is one of the bad traits you share with our Maga friends here ... it doesn't work for them, and it sure as hell doesn't work for you.

2. Again, you stupidly pursue the usual personal attack when it's already negated. I know you can read, so what part of "... You're no expert and I never claimed to be.
" Did you not understand? Now I'm happy you could google all your little factoids to try and support a conjecture (noted how you just refer to the topic at hand as No doubt Tehran has comparative buildings.

And just how in the hell does your "I see no indication..." speculation rate above a piss in the wind? Israel has steadfastly denied having a nuke arsenal for decades, and as they are NOT part of the non-proliferation agreement, there are no UN inspectors allowed to assess such. C'mon Dutch, you're not even trying!

3. You keep repeating a moot point that has already been addressed. Oh, here's a little tidbit for you from 2013. Feel free to hunt & peck for something to excerpt out of context to attach your "logic" to:

Nuclear war between Israel and Iran: lethality beyond the pale

Weather and climate have significant effects on the impacts of nuclear detonations. Wind strength and direction greatly affect the direction, shape and size of the resultant fallout cloud. We chose the median three dimensional climates from thirty years of data for a typical Mid-September day for our models. The median monthly days are computed from data supplied with the DTRA’s HPAC [8] program that computes radiation fallout from nuclear detonations.
1. The chronology of the posts shows who is BS'ing here, Dutch....your ardent denial non-withstanding to the objective reader. This is one of the bad traits you share with our Maga friends here ... it doesn't work for them, and it sure as hell doesn't work for you.

2. Again, you stupidly pursue the usual personal attack when it's already negated. I know you can read, so what part of "... You're no expert and I never claimed to be.
" Did you not understand? Now I'm happy you could google all your little factoids to try and support a conjecture (noted how you just refer to the topic at hand as No doubt Tehran has comparative buildings.

And just how in the hell does your "I see no indication..." speculation rate above a piss in the wind? Israel has steadfastly denied having a nuke arsenal for decades, and as they are NOT part of the non-proliferation agreement, there are no UN inspectors allowed to assess such. C'mon Dutch, you're not even trying!

3. You keep repeating a moot point that has already been addressed. Oh, here's a little tidbit for you from 2013. Feel free to hunt & peck for something to excerpt out of context to attach your "logic" to:

Nuclear war between Israel and Iran: lethality beyond the pale

Weather and climate have significant effects on the impacts of nuclear detonations. Wind strength and direction greatly affect the direction, shape and size of the resultant fallout cloud. We chose the median three dimensional climates from thirty years of data for a typical Mid-September day for our models. The median monthly days are computed from data supplied with the DTRA’s HPAC [8] program that computes radiation fallout from nuclear detonations.

1. Nice attack and I’m certain Domer appreciates it. OTOH, since you didn’t mention why he’s right and I’m wrong, it’s purely an emotional point completely lacking in facts.

2. Ahh, you know how much I love irony. Thanks, TC.

3. Like MAGAts, LWL’s keep blaming others for making them bring up “moot points”. LOL

Do you have actual training and hands on experience with nuclear weapons, TC, or is your knowledge limited to the Internet like domer’s?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. The chronology of the posts shows who is BS'ing here, Dutch....your ardent denial non-withstanding to the objective reader. This is one of the bad traits you share with our Maga friends here ... it doesn't work for them, and it sure as hell doesn't work for you.

2. Again, you stupidly pursue the usual personal attack when it's already negated. I know you can read, so what part of "... You're no expert and I never claimed to be.
" Did you not understand? Now I'm happy you could google all your little factoids to try and support a conjecture (noted how you just refer to the topic at hand as No doubt Tehran has comparative buildings.

And just how in the hell does your "I see no indication..." speculation rate above a piss in the wind? Israel has steadfastly denied having a nuke arsenal for decades, and as they are NOT part of the non-proliferation agreement, there are no UN inspectors allowed to assess such. C'mon Dutch, you're not even trying!

3. You keep repeating a moot point that has already been addressed. Oh, here's a little tidbit for you from 2013. Feel free to hunt & peck for something to excerpt out of context to attach your "logic" to:

Nuclear war between Israel and Iran: lethality beyond the pale

Weather and climate have significant effects on the impacts of nuclear detonations. Wind strength and direction greatly affect the direction, shape and size of the resultant fallout cloud. We chose the median three dimensional climates from thirty years of data for a typical Mid-September day for our models. The median monthly days are computed from data supplied with the DTRA’s HPAC [8] program that computes radiation fallout from nuclear detonations.


1. Nice attack and I’m certain Domer appreciates it. OTOH, since you didn’t mention why he’s right and I’m wrong, it’s purely an emotional point completely lacking in facts.

2. Ahh, you know how much I love irony. Thanks, TC.

3. Like MAGAts, LWL’s keep blaming others for making them bring up “moot points”. LOL

Do you have actual training and hands on experience with nuclear weapons, TC, or is your knowledge limited to the Internet like domer’s?

1. As the chronology of the posts shows, YOU initiated a condescending attitude when first responding to me. Now you're all thin skinned and lying as if that is not the case ... another MAGA tactic you've seem to share. And since I give links from valid sources to support my statements and directly address what is being said, your second allegation here is just MAGA revisionism. C'mon Dutch, you can do better!

2. More blather from you similar to #1. Sad.

3. Here, you accuse others of what you do while avoiding point for point discussion. Another preposterous tactic that you yourself have mocked the MAGA media and local mooks about. Bottom line: if you can't maintain a rational, fact based discussion instead of this lame smokescreen, just concede the point. It won't kill you.
1. As the chronology of the posts shows, YOU initiated a condescending attitude when first responding to me. Now you're all thin skinned and lying as if that is not the case ... another MAGA tactic you've seem to share. And since I give links from valid sources to support my statements and directly address what is being said, your second allegation here is just MAGA revisionism. C'mon Dutch, you can do better!

2. More blather from you similar to #1. Sad.

3. Here, you accuse others of what you do while avoiding point for point discussion. Another preposterous tactic that you yourself have mocked the MAGA media and local mooks about. Bottom line: if you can't maintain a rational, fact based discussion instead of this lame smokescreen, just concede the point. It won't kill you.
Thanks for your input, TC. I'm amazed you concede to pay attention to people you don't respect or believe to be thin-skinned liars.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. As the chronology of the posts shows, YOU initiated a condescending attitude when first responding to me. Now you're all thin skinned and lying as if that is not the case ... another MAGA tactic you've seem to share. And since I give links from valid sources to support my statements and directly address what is being said, your second allegation here is just MAGA revisionism. C'mon Dutch, you can do better!

2. More blather from you similar to #1. Sad.

3. Here, you accuse others of what you do while avoiding point for point discussion. Another preposterous tactic that you yourself have mocked the MAGA media and local mooks about. Bottom line: if you can't maintain a rational, fact based discussion instead of this lame smokescreen, just concede the point. It won't kill you.

Thanks for your input, TC. I'm amazed you concede to pay attention to people you don't respect or believe to be thin-skinned liars.

:rolleyes: Poor Dutch....this is your standard response when faced with facts and logic that point out the error of your initial statements/assertions/beliefs, etc. Like your MAGA counter part, you'll say anything to avoid conceding a point. That's a really lame form of "entertainment", IMHO ... and an even lamer ego booster.

And as you know, when I reduce a poster to babbling, repetitive nonsense or childish repetition (i.e. troll tactics), I let them know that they're own the ignore list for a month or so. Some I've put on permanent ignore (ex.: SmarterThanYou, IntoTheNight). So your little "attack when defeated" ploy here just doesn't cut it.

So it seems we're done here. You can have the last predictable words, and I'll see you on another topic. ;)
Just listened to the Duran speculate that the children of Washington blinked in their thirst for war with Iran because DOD is a disaster area....has warned that they cant deal with Iran.

I was nodding along...
"They (the children of Washington) provoked the Russian Bear....and now they cant deal with it"
Ray McGovern

"They (the children of Washington) provoked the Russian Bear....and now they cant deal with it"
Ray McGovern

Good always triumphs over evil, #10.
