Iraq for Sale: War Profiteers


It's on Showtime right now. It's good: it demonstrates not only that our military-industrial elite suck but how they go about sucking.

Watch it. If you don't, you're an AssHat.
Umm don't get showtime, but I agree.
Blackwater, Cheneys old company, etc....
We are beginning to outsource our wars to mercenaries it seems.
When that happens wars become a for profit item.....
It's on Showtime right now. It's good: it demonstrates not only that our military-industrial elite suck but how they go about sucking.

Watch it. If you don't, you're an AssHat.

Hey! I don't get Showtime. Any way I can jerry rig it for free??? :)
Umm don't get showtime, but I agree.
Blackwater, Cheneys old company, etc....
We are beginning to outsource our wars to mercenaries it seems.
When that happens wars become a for profit item.....
Okay, you get a pass. :)

That's the basic point of the documentary: Blackwater, Titan and the similar "defense contractors" are nothing but mercenary companies. They're scum. They take good soldiers and turn them into killers and torturers for hire . . . and our current administration seems to think that this is a Good Thing.
If wars become a for profit item we will have more of them....
Deregulate and privatize! That is the mantra of the mainstream Republicans. Forget the neocons: they're dead, basically. It's the Big Business Republicans who've got their Mitts on the wheel now.

The sad thing is that many of these fuckwads actually believe this idiotic crap.
Yeah and we have seen how this privitization goes....
Costs more money and less oversight.
The first year or so might be cheaper but then when they have ya.....
Like an introductory interest rate on a credit card .
Or an ARM on a mortgage.
Yeah and we have seen how this privitization goes....
Costs more money and less oversight.
The first year or so might be cheaper but then when they have ya.....
Like an introductory interest rate on a credit card .
Or an ARM on a mortgage.
Exactly. These people want to privatize simply because that puts their operations OUT of the public eye.

It hasn't always been so nor will it always be but, today, when you hear some politician yammering about deregulation and privatizing, you know you're listening to a criminal and a fuckwad.
I saw that last year. Good movie.

Another good one is The Ground Truth. Rent both of them for lots of interviews with folks on the ground.
This has been going on...

Okay, you get a pass. :)

That's the basic point of the documentary: Blackwater, Titan and the similar "defense contractors" are nothing but mercenary companies. They're scum. They take good soldiers and turn them into killers and torturers for hire . . . and our current administration seems to think that this is a Good Thing.

for a long is called "The Company" :thup: like living on the edge do yah?

Tangent only applies to math ?
What a limited viewpoint.

Not really...'The facts only the facts maam' now don't you have somemore brush or trees to clear today? If not hit the local Pizza Hut...maybe ya will get 'Lucky'!

Side note: I know I am a smart respond with something alse!:pke:
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Naah, no more trees for today. The ol back won't handle too much of that. Pretty much a down and recovery day.

Pizza hut does sound ok for a change though. I like their thin and crispy pizzas.

Yeah I suffer a bit from smart assedness as well ;)

Naah, no more trees for today. The ol back won't handle too much of that. Pretty much a down and recovery day.

Pizza hut does sound ok for a change though. I like their thin and crispy pizzas.

Yeah I suffer a bit from smart assedness as well ;)

Well shit...just stay outta them there toilet stalls..them there "passionate shits" can scare the hell outta a straight guy!
Deregulate and privatize! That is the mantra of the mainstream Republicans. Forget the neocons: they're dead, basically. It's the Big Business Republicans who've got their Mitts on the wheel now.

The sad thing is that many of these fuckwads actually believe this idiotic crap.

Neocons are big business republicans. You seem to be misinformed.

"Government is perfect and uncorrupt and not run by the same people behind business!" is the mantra of frighfully totalitarian and illinformed nitwits.