Iraq for Sale: War Profiteers

It's on Showtime right now. It's good: it demonstrates not only that our military-industrial elite suck but how they go about sucking.

Watch it. If you don't, you're an AssHat.

I actually thought this movie was not as effective as it could have been.

I found the production and presentation fairly ameteurish.

And the presentation about corporate profiteering largely disjointed and ineffective. There was a lot of anectdotal stories. But, they didn't really tie it all together. In a compelling way...
Main Entry: 1tan·gent
Function: adjective
Pronunciation: -j&nt
Etymology: Latin tangent-, tangens, present participle of tangere to touch; perhaps akin to Old English thaccian to touch gently, stroke
1 a : meeting a curve or surface in a single point if a sufficiently small interval is considered <straight line tangent to a curve> b (1) : having a common tangent line at a point <tangent curves> (2) : having a common tangent plane at a point <tangent surfaces>
2 : diverging from an original purpose or course : IRRELEVANT <tangent remarks>

I think I will take Websters word on it.