Iraq Run-up


We've moved on in this country, from examining how this war was started, to, how the hell do we get out of it? And I understand that. I even see the point of people who say, look however we got here, we're in deep shit, and we have to all work together to get out of it. They're not wrong.

But...look at this piece in the WAPO today. I've pasted two paragraphs, but it's filled with facts about the run-up, and they are not prett, and anyone who says "bush didn't lie he was mistaken" is being willfully ignorant. Because he lied. Ok? We're not going to find a tape of bush and cheney giggling in the oval office saying "yeah I know it's all bullshit, but we want to go to war anyway, so let's just lie and say it's true". And there are people in this country, who demand that you produce just that in order to conclude that bush lied. And they are hurting this country. Because if an adminstration gets away with taking this country to war, at the cost of the lives of tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of human beings, then what stops another adminstration down the road from doing the same?

But what if he were impeached? That then, changes history. Just as history would have been changed if Nixon was impeached and tried for his crimes. Should LBJ have been tried for the Gulf of Tonkin? History books now tell us that LBJ probably thought, in the first hours of the reports, that the incident did take place. However, he most defintely knew within days, that it had not. And LBJ was in many ways, a great man, and so it's hard to say this, but yes, he should have been impeached, because if LBJ had been impeached for lying once he knew that the incident was a false report, and escalating Vietnam for it, we would not have had a Watergate, and we would not have had an Iran-Contra, and we would not have had an Iraq. There are consequences in this life, and if you decide that Presidents need not suffer real consequences (other than in the history books and their approval ratings), then that decision in itself, has consequences. We live with them now, and we will live with them in the decades to come because we refused to call a lie a lie, a liar a liar, and impeach for it.

At this point, State Department analysts had determined the documents were phony, and had produced by far the most accurate assessment of Iraq's weapons program of the 16 agencies that make up the intelligence community. But the department's small intelligence unit operated in a bubble. Few administration officials -- not even Secretary of State Colin L. Powell -- paid much attention to its analytical product, much of which clashed with the White House's assumptions

Five months later, on March 7, 2003, as preparations for the Iraq invasion were in their final stages, the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, told the U.N. Security Council that the report that Iraq had been shopping for uranium in Niger was based on forged documents. The agency had received the document from the United States a few weeks earlier.
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I don't think the votes are there for impeachment right now. A case and an evidentiary trail in congress, has to be built, showing that Bush acted dishonestly to promote a war that he wanted from his first day in office.

I think Bush wanted the war so bad, that he simply ignored any intelligence that cast doubt on his claims about WMD and iraq. He only wanted to hear anything and everything that painted a worse case scenario. Because, it really wasn't about the intelligence. It was about building a case for a war he wanted from the very beginning.

Or as the Downing street memo said: "The intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy"
I don't think the votes are there for impeachment right now. A case and an evidentiary trail in congress, has to be built, showing that Bush acted dishonestly to promote a war that he wanted from his first day in office.

I think Bush wanted the war so bad, that he simply ignored any intelligence that cast doubt on his claims about WMD and iraq. He only wanted to hear anything and everything that painted a worse case scenario. Because, it really wasn't about the intelligence. It was about building a case for a war he wanted from the very beginning.

Or as the Downing street memo said: "The intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy"

I know. But if we were a smart country, we might learn something from our history and come to see that letting Presidents get away with these kinds of things reverberates through history. One thing leads to the next, nobody expects anything better, and we end up in the same, and even worse, places.
I honestly can't think of one US military conflict in the last 50 years, that wasn't based to some extent on lies.

Kosovo and Bosnia were the only ones that I think were pretty straightforward. To end ethnic cleansing. I don't think there were a lot of lies there. You might even make the case the Gulf War One, was pretty straightforward. Though, I think Poppy lied about the real reason for it: oil.

Obviously, the invasion of Panama, and possible even Grenada were cooked up with misrepresentations and lies.

I think if you set a standard for impeaching a presidnet, for lying us into a military conflict, you have to establish some criteria: like, how much did his lies end up harming the nation, and how much unneccessary death and treasure were wasted?
I think if you set a standard for impeaching a presidnet, for lying us into a military conflict, you have to establish some criteria: like, how much did his lies end up harming the nation, and how much unneccessary death and treasure were wasted?

Darla has a valid point which I fully support. When do finally draw the line and say enough is enough, YOU personally have to be accountable for your actions. I for one am sick of the excuse that "it would be bad for country" if he were impeached. If I f vcked up that badly at work, I'd get fired. Why shouldn't he?
Hel*, I even had a tiny bit of respect for Cynthia "superstar" McKinney when she introduced impeachment legislation. Too bad she didn't do it a lot earlier. I'd have a lot more respect for her or anyone that will.
Well, and don't forget in the run up to Gulf War I: It's not Personal Yet, Bush one did tell that really fabulous "they're throwing the babies out of their incubaters on onto the floors" story. You had to give the guy props for that one. The drama, the heart-wrenching visuals. Oh we all wanted to run over to Iraq and save those babies!

Didn't happen. But you gotta figure that Bush, in the run up to Gulf war II: This Time It Is Personal MF'er, was really bummed that dad had already used that one.

But what I was thinking was, that if we had impeached the first bastard who did it, then none of the subsequent events would have occurred at all. I believe that if we impeached a president for lying about a war, then the next guy, is going to say, you know, I might not get away with this, look what they did to that other jackass. And yes I am fully aware we would have to go back much further than LBJ, but I thought I'd start with more recent history, because you can really trace the events of the past 50 years and see how one leads to the next.

I honestly can't think of one US military conflict in the last 50 years, that wasn't based to some extent on lies.

Kosovo and Bosnia were the only ones that I think were pretty straightforward. To end ethnic cleansing. I don't think there were a lot of lies there. You might even make the case the Gulf War One, was pretty straightforward. Though, I think Poppy lied about the real reason for it: oil.

Obviously, the invasion of Panama, and possible even Grenada were cooked up with misrepresentations and lies.

I think if you set a standard for impeaching a presidnet, for lying us into a military conflict, you have to establish some criteria: like, how much did his lies end up harming the nation, and how much unneccessary death and treasure were wasted?
Darla has a valid point which I fully support. When do finally draw the line and say enough is enough, YOU personally have to be accountable for your actions. I for one am sick of the excuse that "it would be bad for country" if he were impeached. If I f vcked up that badly at work, I'd get fired. Why shouldn't he?

Right. and you know, what's interesting is that about two years ago, there were polls already showing that if it could be shown to their satisfaction that bush lied about iraq, over 50% of the American people would support impeachment. That was two years ago.

If we had someone leading on this, and talking about this to the American people, how many today, would say, you know, let's impeach him? And once the American people got really behind it, it would be surprising I think, how many votes in Congress would suddenly appear for it.

But it's been dropped. We can't even talk about it. Why not? Why am I a moonbat if I want to talk about impeachment? Not me personally, but someone like Cynthia, as you mention.
Right. and you know, what's interesting is that about two years ago, there were polls already showing that if it could be shown to their satisfaction that bush lied about iraq, over 50% of the American people would support impeachment. That was two years ago.

If we had someone leading on this, and talking about this to the American people, how many today, would say, you know, let's impeach him? And once the American people got really behind it, it would be surprising I think, how many votes in Congress would suddenly appear for it.

But it's been dropped. We can't even talk about it. Why not? Why am I a moonbat if I want to talk about impeachment? Not me personally, but someone like Cynthia, as you mention.

Exactly! I could never figure out why it was such a faux-pas amongst democrats to even mention the word "impeachment". Its actually this very reason that I've become a little disenchanted with them lately. Actually if a junior senator or a political unknown could really benefit for taking such a lead.
Mnay politicians have skeletons in their closet and the word impeachment scares the bejesus out of them.

It is sort an unspoken mutual blackmail society.
I believe that many understand that the longer an unpopular President is in office, the more likely they are to both win more seats in Congress as well as the Presidency in 2008. I think they are using him as a campaign tool.
Exactly! I could never figure out why it was such a faux-pas amongst democrats to even mention the word "impeachment". Its actually this very reason that I've become a little disenchanted with them lately. Actually if a junior senator or a political unknown could really benefit for taking such a lead.

I would like to see bush impeached. But, here's why I think its unwise to be screaming impeachement, before you even have a formal evidentiary trail, backed by investigations and sworn testimony.

One word: credibility.

I think I've even heard John Conyers talk about this.

In order to have a credible impeachment, you have to go through a formal process first. It seems like legalese bullshit, but its important. This country after all has the standard, innocent until proven guility.

In terms of credibility, and building consensus, you have to go through a process first. And you can't seem like a rabid partisan, who's made up their mind, before the formal process has even been concluded.

I know it seems lame, and that this is how lawyers think. But, I think its important to the credibility of the process.

I totally think bush should be impeached. But, I think you have to go through a process first. Lay the ground work for it. That's the only way you build a case, and build consensus.
I believe that many understand that the longer an unpopular President is in office, the more likely they are to both win more seats in Congress as well as the Presidency in 2008. I think they are using him as a campaign tool.

Yeah well they are tooling me into voting for a 3rd party candidate.
I would like to see bush impeached. But, here's why I think its unwise to be screaming impeachement, before you even have a formal evidentiary trail, backed by investigations and sworn testimony.

One word: credibility.

I think I've even heard John Conyers talk about this.

In order to have a credible impeachment, you have to go through a formal process first. It seems like legalese bullshit, but its important. This country after all has the standard, innocent until proven guility.

In terms of credibility, and building consensus, you have to go through a process first. And you can't seem like a rabid partisan, who's made up their mind, before the formal process has even been concluded.

I know it seems lame, and that this is how lawyers think. But, I think its important to the credibility of the process.

I totally think bush should be impeached. But, I think you have to go through a process first. Lay the ground work for it. That's the only way you build a case, and build consensus.

Between torture, spying on American's, and lying to us regarding the war, the ground work is there. If someone had the bal*s regardless of their political affiliation to go after Bush, they will have won my respect. I understand its a process, but why hasn't that process been initiated? Why is this utter tool still allowed to be CIC when he has dragged us into this never ending quagmire and clearly wants to drag us kicking and screaming into another one.
I would like to see bush impeached. But, here's why I think its unwise to be screaming impeachement, before you even have a formal evidentiary trail, backed by investigations and sworn testimony.

One word: credibility.

I think I've even heard John Conyers talk about this.

In order to have a credible impeachment, you have to go through a formal process first. It seems like legalese bullshit, but its important. This country after all has the standard, innocent until proven guility.

In terms of credibility, and building consensus, you have to go through a process first. And you can't seem like a rabid partisan, who's made up their mind, before the formal process has even been concluded.

I know it seems lame, and that this is how lawyers think. But, I think its important to the credibility of the process.

I totally think bush should be impeached. But, I think you have to go through a process first. Lay the ground work for it. That's the only way you build a case, and build consensus.

Ok, that's true. I am wondering if when the dems hold their hearings on the intelligence on Iraq, which I believe they are going to be doing? if all of this will be done then. Or, if they are stalling on that, and planning to do it closer to the 08 elections, and gain political traction out of it then, rather than actual impeachment, because I think Damo has a point about it (bush's unpopularity) being used to win more seats.
Between torture, spying on American's, and lying to us regarding the war, the ground work is there. If someone had the bal*s regardless of their political affiliation to go after Bush, they will have won my respect. I understand its a process, but why hasn't that process been initiated? Why is this utter tool still allowed to be CIC when he has dragged us into this never ending quagmire and clearly wants to drag us kicking and screaming into another one.

Investigations are underway as we speak. The Dems have only been in congress for three months - but I guarantee you more investigations have been launched in three months, than in the last six years.

I'm as pissed at bush as you are. But, I think I know what works and what doesn't work. I don't mean that too sound cocky ;)

The Dems aren't going to publically scream about impeachment, until there is a formal groundwork and legal case laid out.

I agree, that there's a lot of wimps who don't want impeachement. But, I think the crimes of the Bush admin are so widespread, that if they can ever be put on the record, in formal hearings and sworn testimony, the dam very well may break.
Between torture, spying on American's, and lying to us regarding the war, the ground work is there. If someone had the bal*s regardless of their political affiliation to go after Bush, they will have won my respect. I understand its a process, but why hasn't that process been initiated? Why is this utter tool still allowed to be CIC when he has dragged us into this never ending quagmire and clearly wants to drag us kicking and screaming into another one.

That's true too. Spying on americans without a damned warrant used to be considered a big thing in this country. When it first came out that the CIA was doing this back in the 70's, there was a shitstorm over it. I don't get what's happened to this country, I really don't, but I think you can make a case, that this goes back to again, nothing really happened to Nixon. He was forced to resign but what if he had been tried? And in the years since then, the right wing has enforced this idea on Americans that "they all do it, Nixon just got caught". So Americans have such low expectations for their leaders. Well, if we held them really accountable, then they wouldn't "all be doing it".
Investigations are underway as we speak. The Dems have only been in congress for three months - but I guarantee you more investigations have been launched in three months, than in the last six years.

I'm as pissed at bush as you are. But, I think I know what works and what doesn't work. I don't mean that too sound cocky ;)

The Dems aren't going to publically scream about impeachment, until there is a formal groundwork and legal case laid out.

I agree, that there's a lot of wimps who don't want impeachement. But, I think the crimes of the Bush admin are so widespread, that if they can ever be put on the record, in formal hearings and sworn testimony, the dam very well may break.

Cypress, do you know when the hearings about the intelligence and the run up to the Iraq war are going to be?