Iraq Run-up

Ok, that's true. I am wondering if when the dems hold their hearings on the intelligence on Iraq, which I believe they are going to be doing? if all of this will be done then. Or, if they are stalling on that, and planning to do it closer to the 08 elections, and gain political traction out of it then, rather than actual impeachment, because I think Damo has a point about it (bush's unpopularity) being used to win more seats.

that's a valid point, that I was to stupid to consider.

There's a lot of investigations underway, there should be one targeting the use of pre-war intelligence. The Dems should be starting that now. But, I also suspect that so many impeachable offenses have been committed by bush, that these other investigations have the potential to bring him down. Maybe. I'm not sure.
Cypress, do you know when the hearings about the intelligence and the run up to the Iraq war are going to be?

as I said, this is a great point, that I didn't think about.

If I were a Democratic strategist, I guess I'd say my top priority was to constrain the war funding for bush - and make him submit to a withdrawl timeline. Lets' face it: this is what voters REALLY voted for. That was their top priority - it wasn't their TOP priority to investigate what happened in 2002 with the intelligence.

But, after they get this war funding wrapped up, they should go after this. Also, I think they have to wait until that Phase 2 investigation is done, which republicans foot dragged on for two years.

That's my opinion anyway. I might be all wrong on this. ;)
as I said, this is a great point, that I didn't think about.

If I were a Democratic strategist, I guess I'd say my top priority was to constrain the war funding for bush - and make him submit to a withdrawl timeline. Lets' face it: this is what voters REALLY voted for. That was their top priority - it wasn't their TOP priority to investigate what happened in 2002 with the intelligence.

But, after they get this war funding wrapped up, they should go after this. Also, I think they have to wait until that Phase 2 investigation is done, which republicans foot dragged on for two years.

That's my opinion anyway. I might be all wrong on this. ;)

Well, we'll see then. I don't have high hopes. It's not that I don't want hearings, or that I just want to run around screaming impeachment like a moon bat. I work with vets for peace a lot, and one day this guy Tom, gets himself into a snit over a disagreement we were having over methods, and he sends me this long email railing about how he knows that I'm a white, upper middle class girl playing radical who wants to paint my body pink and run around naked waiving my arms, but...blah blah blah. I was like, wtf? He later wrote me a long, overwrought apology email and bought me a drink in Washington DC to make up for it, but anyway, this just reminded me of that.

I never run around screaming and waiving my arms. I think I am going to start though!
Well, we'll see then. I don't have high hopes. It's not that I don't want hearings, or that I just want to run around screaming impeachment like a moon bat. I work with vets for peace a lot, and one day this guy Tom, gets himself into a snit over a disagreement we were having over methods, and he sends me this long email railing about how he knows that I'm a white, upper middle class girl playing radical who wants to paint my body pink and run around naked waiving my arms, but...blah blah blah. I was like, wtf? He later wrote me a long, overwrought apology email and bought me a drink in Washington DC to make up for it, but anyway, this just reminded me of that.

I never run around screaming and waiving my arms. I think I am going to start though!


Let's face it: sitting around waiting for congress to do something, is the lamest thing we can do. Congress never does anything, unless people demand it.
Its probably not an either/or type of deal.

You need people in the grass roots getting in Bush's and Congress' face about impeachment. Becasue congress doesn't do crap, unless people demand it.

And then, you need the more deliberative types, who can honor the process, build a formal case, and lay the legal groundwork in a responsible way, so that's it doesn't turn into a circus.
Its probably not an either/or type of deal.

You need people in the grass roots getting in Bush's and Congress' face about impeachment. Becasue congress doesn't do crap, unless people demand it.

And then, you need the more deliberative types, who can honor the process, build a formal case, and lay the legal groundwork in a responsible way, so that's it doesn't turn into a circus. be the deliberative one, and I'll run around waiving my arms wearing pink body paint and screaming "Impeachment" and we'll see what happens! ;)
No one is listening to the people in Washington.
Pretty soon they will march on Washington, there are groups already doing peaceful sit-ins in their legislator's office if they can get in. They plan to have one in Sen. Clinton's office, but I missed the date.
It seems like this is what it is coming to, another march on Washington...
There have been arrests in some cases.
I just feel that no one is listening, anymore...
No one is listening to the people in Washington.
Pretty soon they will march on Washington, there are groups already doing peaceful sit-ins in their legislator's office if they can get in. They plan to have one in Sen. Clinton's office, but I missed the date.
It seems like this is what it is coming to, another march on Washington...
There have been arrests in some cases.
I just feel that no one is listening, anymore...

The occupation project. CodePink is very involved in that, and it's not just in DC. It happens in their home congressional offices too. I've done it here. You would be amazed at how much your congressperson does not want to have you arrested at his home office. Now, down in DC it's different, and there have been a lot of arrests there.

It seems sometimes as if no one is listening. But what would anyone have said the chances were that Harry Reid was going to draft a bill cutting funding for the war? I thought they were zero. But he is saying he's going to do it. So I think they are listening. Not just to us, but to all of the people who don't go to demonstrations, but who take the time to call their representatives. Or write to them. God bless them.
No one is listening to the people in Washington.
Pretty soon they will march on Washington, there are groups already doing peaceful sit-ins in their legislator's office if they can get in. They plan to have one in Sen. Clinton's office, but I missed the date.
It seems like this is what it is coming to, another march on Washington...
There have been arrests in some cases.
I just feel that no one is listening, anymore...

The conversion of our government to the dark side is nearly complete. They now worship their corporate masters and no longer represent the people.