Iraqi WMD Found! In New York!!!


Will work for Scooby snacks
Chemicals from Iraq inspections found in N.Y.

Chemicals found near U.N.

Aug 30, 2007

UNITED NATIONS - U.N. weapons inspectors discovered potentially hazardous chemical agents in their office near U.N. headquarters that were probably taken from Iraq’s main chemical weapons facility 11 years ago, officials said Thursday.


Okabe said the material was immediately secured by UNMOVIC experts and the U.N. sought assistance from U.S. authorities in having the material safely removed. The U.N. was informed that the FBI was going to the office Thursday to remove and dispose of the material, she said
And not one person bothers to ask WHY Saddam's chemicals would be in NYC. Just smartass cracks.
And not one person bothers to ask WHY Saddam's chemicals would be in NYC. Just smartass cracks.
Well, something had to make that smell.... It's an official NYC government policy carried down the ages. Seriously, I wait more information. It seems like they were brought there for testing and simply never disposed of properly.
It's times like this I really miss ol' Dixie. He would absolutely celebrate this as "proof." He went nuts over those few old canisters of sarin that were found a few years back (his threads had the tone of "well, THAT debate is over now...")
It's times like this I really miss ol' Dixie. He would absolutely celebrate this as "proof." He went nuts over those few old canisters of sarin that were found a few years back (his threads had the tone of "well, THAT debate is over now...")

Regardless of wmd, do you think saddam had no ties with any terrror groups whatsoever? I realize you fixate on this because "bush used this as the main reason". Just factor a larger reality into your myopic political crusade.
Regardless of wmd, do you think saddam had no ties with any terrror groups whatsoever? I realize you fixate on this because "bush used this as the main reason". Just factor a larger reality into your myopic political crusade.

There's no question that Saddam was an opportunist, and I know about his sending money to suicide bombers' families. But Good Lord - does that justify a half trillion, 4,000 American lives & 30,000 casualties, over 100,000 Iraqi dead & millions displaced?

This was the worst foreign policy decision in modern history, and it was not justified by any remote threat to America or any conceiveable strategy in the WOT. If the goal was to have Al Qaida get back to the same strength level they were at on 9/11, congrats - mission accomplished...
Tests conducted by U.N. personnel found no toxic vapors in the area where the material had been stored, police said. The materials had been in UNMOVIC and its predecessor inspection agency, UNSCOM, apparently since 1996 when they were inadvertently shipped to U.N. administrative offices instead of a chemical laboratory, police said.

White House spokesman Tony Snow said the suspected chemical agent should have been transported to an appropriately equipped lab for analysis.

“I’m sure that there are going to be a lot of red-faced people over at the U.N. trying to figure out how they got there,” Snow said.

Apparently, addressing is VERY important when you work for the UN Inspections teams...
There's no question that Saddam was an opportunist, and I know about his sending money to suicide bombers' families. But Good Lord - does that justify a half trillion, 4,000 American lives & 30,000 casualties, over 100,000 Iraqi dead & millions displaced?

This was the worst foreign policy decision in modern history, and it was not justified by any remote threat to America or any conceiveable strategy in the WOT. If the goal was to have Al Qaida get back to the same strength level they were at on 9/11, congrats - mission accomplished...

So focus on those reasons. Harping on minutia makes it look like there must be no valid arguments. And that's how it is spun agains't y'all. There is a valid concern about the zealots in charge of the military industrial complex.

sorry to preach. LOL. slap me if you want.
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