Irrefutable Evidence Trump Knew He Lost the 2020 Election and Wanted a Riot on 1/6


There Can be Only One!

“Make Them Riot”: Newly Unsealed Filing Gives New Details Of Federal Election Conspiracy Case Against Donald Trump​

“The evidence demonstrates that the defendant knew his fraud claims were false because he continued to make those claims even after his close advisers — acting not in an official capacity but in a private or campaign-related capacity — told him they were not true,” Smith wrote in the brief.

In one instance, according to the filing, a White House staffer overheard Trump tell family members that “it doesn’t matter if you won or lost the election. You still have to fight like hell.”

In another instance, after an unidentified Trump aide, described only as a “campaign operative,” was told by a colleague at a Detroit, MI vote-counting center that they thought a batch of ballots would be in Biden’s favor, the operative said to “find a reason it isn’t.” “When the colleague suggested that there was about to be unrest reminiscent of the Brooks Brothers riot, a violent effort to stop the vote count in Florida after the 2000 presidential election,” the campaign operative “responded, ‘Make them riot!’ and ‘Do it!'”
According to the filing, the aide had been informed that Pence had been rushed to a secure location at the Capitol, and rushed to the dining room to inform Trump in the hopes that he “would take action to ensure Pence’s safety.” Instead, after the aide delivered the news, Trump “looked at him and said only, ‘So what?'”
There are so many people who report that they were confronted by the Regime and it was made clear to them that if they would tell some lies about Trump they could go free, that the Regime was searching for people shit quality enough to do it.
We've known that all along. The evidence against trump in this, and the documents case is overwhelming. It will be interesting to see what transpires in the next few months.
Yeah, but some of this is evidence that hasn't, until now been in the public domain - especially quotes from fat donny knowing that he lost and didn't care. Had this not been harmful, the trump's legal team wouldn't have been fighting so hard to keep Smith's indictment redacted.
Yeah, but some of this is evidence that hasn't, until now been in the public domain - especially quotes from fat donny knowing that he lost and didn't care. Had this not been harmful, the trump's legal team wouldn't have been fighting so hard to keep Smith's indictment redacted.
This was all the stuff that we should have known for months, has the rogue S.C. not been running interference for trump.
We've known that all along. The evidence against trump in this, and the documents case is overwhelming. It will be interesting to see what transpires in the next few months.
Nothing is interesting to you? You idiots don't give a shit about riots or insurrections. Lmfao not everyone is a stupid leftist
There are so many people who report that they were confronted by the Regime and it was made clear to them that if they would tell some lies about Trump they could go free, that the Regime was searching for people shit quality enough to do it.
Yeah.. those damn tweets by Trump all decided to lie because they were told they could go free.

I guess you haven't looked at the evidence since much of it is from communications between the conspirators.
So, Trump wanted a violent coup and knew he lost the election!
Agreed. He knew he was guilty when his coup attempt failed. It's why he threw all the seditionists, domestic terrorists and traitors under the bus within a week of 1/6. It's also why he pushed to fast track his Presidential immunity case with SCOTUS.

The MAGAts are screaming "October surprise" and "election interference", but the truth is that, as usual, Trump shot himself in the foot by not putting this to bed earlier in year by going to trial IF he was innocent. Instead, knowing he was guilty as sin, he kept pushing it back hoping that he could dismiss all the cases if he was elected President.

The people supporting him in this are demented, stupid and/or domestic enemies of the Constitution.