IRS: Revenue Collections Hit Record in April

you are learning Grasshopper, you achieved class one by admitting your subortinate status.
folks once thought the end of buggywhip manufacturing would be our ruin. They were wrong as you are wrong.
Well spinner, if you construed my post to be an acknowledgement of you as a master then surely you also construed it as you acceptance of being a Banty Rooster ?

You are surely mistaken on my first point and surely wrong on my second point :D

why would I want to be your master anyway ?
you have a high arrogance level to think that I would want you as my apprentice.
Ignorant people always reject education.
All I can do is continue to provide.
Your mind is like a steel trap, in that you don't let anything in.:readit:
Ohh I let stuff in. I am not a "wanabe", but decided last year I was a "needtobe". so I looked areound and found a game or two to play and am doing well. Sorry if I step on your sensibilities that I can't do that right without a degree or something....
But I did it anyway :)
You are a wannabe I am a needtobe. Retirement coming up :D
Tax receipts have soared by over 35% (with 5.5%, 14.5%, and 11.7% increases in fiscal 2004, 2005, and 2006, respectively) from $1.78 trillion to $2.41 trillion (2004 and 2005 results can be found at Page 2 of this PDF from the Congressional Budget Office [CBO]; 2006’s receipts were estimated by adding the $253 billion revenue increase reported near the end of this longer story).

Despite the costs of the Iraq War, the rest of the War on Terror, Katrina relief, and not nearly enough control over other spending, the administration has accomplished its goal of cutting the reported deficit in half by the time it leaves office a full three years early (fiscal 2009, which ends a little less than three years from now, is the last budget over which the Bush Administration will have responsibility). Andrew Taylor of the Associated Press reported on the deficit yesterday (commented on here) but “somehow” missed this little nugget of good news, even though he reported on the administration’s original fiscal 2004 promise in a “not going to happen” manner just under a year ago on October 14, 2005
USC, sorry you feel so inferiorly educated without a degree. People often succeed without one.
My only point in degree debate is each level of education makes more on average. That's a fact
I will not debate that one fact spinner, however this has not been your only point on degrees in the past.

One thing is certain though, I do not feel inferior to you spinner .
Education has nothing to do with your problem.
An arrogant elitist arse is still an arrogant arse with or without a degree.