Is a hotdog a sandwich?


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Saying that a hotdog is just a sandwich is like saying that...well, I can't find a proper comparison. Anyway, a hotdog is not a sandwich. It's a hotdog. End of argument.
Saying that a hotdog is just a sandwich is like saying that...well, I can't find a proper comparison. Anyway, a hotdog is not a sandwich. It's a hotdog. End of argument.

Grugore: "Legina, do you know what the difference between a chicken leg and a Boner is?".

Legina: "No, what?".

Grugore: "Legina, would you like to go on a picnic with me?"
"A hot dog is an exclamation of joy, a good, a verb describing one 'showing off and even an emoji. It is truly a category unto its own"......not a sandwich, according to an official press release from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council...
"A hot dog is an exclamation of joy, a good, a verb describing one 'showing off and even an emoji. It is truly a category unto its own"......not a sandwich, according to an official press release from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council...

Well,if you cut the hot dog down the middle, then cut those in half and put them between bread,that would be a hot dog sandwich.
Saying that a hotdog is just a sandwich is like saying that...well, I can't find a proper comparison. Anyway, a hotdog is not a sandwich. It's a hotdog. End of argument.

if you break the bun at the hinge it is a sandwich. Otherwise it is a meat pie.