Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ready

I think that's sweet... I wonder if she likes Donuts? but she's not ever going to be in the top spot (or 2nd place) in the White House... no female Democrat ever will...

Never say never, but probably not in my lifetime.

I doubt if AOC likes donuts...too skinny, unlike most of the Latina ladies here in Boston where she went to college. [Yup, blame us!]

Their bottoms are usually noticeably wider than their male companions'. Nothing wrong with that, I guess. It's a cultural thing.

Anyway, Good Morning, TOP.
Never say never, but probably not in my lifetime.

I doubt if AOC likes donuts...too skinny, unlike most of the Latina ladies here in Boston where she went to college. [Yup, blame us!]

Their bottoms are usually noticeably wider than their male companions'. Nothing wrong with that, I guess. It's a cultural thing.

Anyway, Good Morning, TOP.
I was just donut teasing you.... although it is National Hispanic Heritage Month... I bet she'll be sampling some goodies at a festival or two...;) I wonder why she didn't stay in Boston? You have a lovely Hispanic neighborhood or two don't you? And a very good morning to you it's a beautiful fall day...Enjoy!!
Incel Misogynist sez wut now?

You are disgusting.

as I recall, the only paying job your scholar ever held was bartender......what was that college degree in again?.....oh yes, economics....I guess that's where she learned the importance of keeping jobs out of your congressional district......and international relations where she learned to let illegal aliens in......
A good barmaid is worth a million times more than any Republican politician.
That's just obvious fact to anybody with eyes, ears, and a functioning brain.

I guess that's the difference between us.......I only need a few hundred Republican politicians to run a country and you need a few hundred million barmaids....
to become the President of the United States of America?

We're well beyond the point of thinking that anybody else would be as good.

At this point, I can dismiss that as a ludicrous thought.

The only question is whether or not it's still too soon for a 35 year old.
She has the brilliant mind. That's beyond reasonable dispute.
Has she enough experience yet?

It's hard to learn the entire game in thirty-five years,
which will be her age come election time,
but is an inexperienced AOC still better that anything else that we've got available?

I've got confidence in this young Latina broad.
Surround her with an A-list cabinet and a veteran VEEP like Kamala
and I think that she would shine. Our next FDR? I say it's possible.

And given the state of us now, what the hell do we have to lose?
I don't see much.

Many of the Founding Fathers were millennial age in 1776. Jefferson was 33 in that same year. Hamilton was only 21. Washington was 44. James Monroe was only 18. James Madison was only 25 when he wrote the Constitution.
as I recall, the only paying job your scholar ever held was bartender......what was that college degree in again?.....oh yes, economics....I guess that's where she learned the importance of keeping jobs out of your congressional district......and international relations where she learned to let illegal aliens in......

Good boy. You finally learned to discuss the politician's perceived flaws rather than relying on childish, superficial gender-based insults. Maybe old dogs *can* learn new tricks. Woof!
Meh. Too young and too scary to Reichwingers to have wide enough support.

I'd like to see Gretchen Whitmer in the WH. She is an excellent governor. IMO she will be an excellent POTUS as well.

That woman is crazy. Wasn't Michigan "locked down" the longest and most out of all the states?

You can see it in her eyes.

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Many of the Founding Fathers were millennial age in 1776. Jefferson was 33 in that same year. Hamilton was only 21. Washington was 44. James Monroe was only 18. James Madison was only 25 when he wrote the Constitution.

Well, looking at the new form of inefficient government that the founders envisioned,
I would have thought that they were pre-teens.
No but you go with what you don't know -- it pleases your masters.

Nah, she's not a crazy tyrant at all. :rolleyes:

"With the coronavirus quickly becoming a new normal, home gardening is taking off, as more and more Americans start to grow their own fruits and vegetables. But in Michigan, many stores have been barred from selling seeds, soils, plants, and other gardening supplies.

Last week, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer ordered all stores larger than 50,000-square feet to cordon off their garden centers and plant nurseries, blocking customers from shopping in those sections through April 30. “If you're not buying food or medicine or other essential items, you should not be going to the store,” Whitmer said when announcing her order. "

Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post

I'd like to see Gretchen Whitmer in the WH. She is an excellent governor. IMO she will be an excellent POTUS as well.

I would like to see her leave Michigan too.....
to become the President of the United States of America?

We're well beyond the point of thinking that anybody else would be as good.

At this point, I can dismiss that as a ludicrous thought.

She can try, but I seriously doubt she'll get any traction.

The only question is whether or not it's still too soon for a 35 year old.
She has the brilliant mind. That's beyond reasonable dispute.
Has she enough experience yet?

Brilliant? HA! She's an idiot. THAT is beyond reasonable dispute. She is a dumb blonde--a lifestyle choice, not a hair color...

It's hard to learn the entire game in thirty-five years,
which will be her age come election time,
but is an inexperienced AOC still better that anything else that we've got available?

She is far, far too far to the Left to gain traction.

I've got confidence in this young Latina broad.
Surround her with an A-list cabinet and a veteran VEEP like Kamala
and I think that she would shine. Our next FDR? I say it's possible.

And given the state of us now, what the hell do we have to lose?
I don't see much.

What do we have to lose? Our freedom. Our modern technological society and lifestyle. Because the likes of AOC will surely make you a peasant in a backwards socialist society run by oppressive thought police.
Nah, she's not a crazy tyrant at all. :rolleyes:

"With the coronavirus quickly becoming a new normal, home gardening is taking off, as more and more Americans start to grow their own fruits and vegetables. But in Michigan, many stores have been barred from selling seeds, soils, plants, and other gardening supplies.

Last week, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer ordered all stores larger than 50,000-square feet to cordon off their garden centers and plant nurseries, blocking customers from shopping in those sections through April 30. “If you're not buying food or medicine or other essential items, you should not be going to the store,” Whitmer said when announcing her order. "


Yep, that's the radical Left. Do as you're told, peasant! Thinking or acting in your own best interests is prohibited. The state will decide what you get and you will like it or off to the gulag you go!
Well since we are quickly turning into another Latino majority third world nation I can think of no one better to lead us.

I am sure she will put us right on pace with all the other South American nations

She'd probably fill bungling GI Joe biding his "serve the Pope or die" shoes in that decades ongoing Latino illegal alien invasion of the USA their South America drug business while North America becomes a third world nation in that SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 tradition.