Is America doomed?

Legion is trolling!

If irony was a crime, you'd be in prism.


Oh, wait. YOU ARE. :laugh:

"Living the Dream" to me is getting a job, having a wife, kids, vehicle..boat or RV, owning a home, vehicle for the wife is a bonus...having enough to eat and make the bills.

Maybe a week or 2 vacation a year.

I see that's your tranny friend again, Legion. What's going on there?

That's a dude. :dunno:

With a dick and balls.
"Living the Dream" to me is getting a job, having a wife, kids, vehicle..boat or RV, owning a home, vehicle for the wife is a bonus...having enough to eat and make the bills.

Maybe a week or 2 vacation a year.

I see that's your tranny friend again, Legion. What's going on there?

That's a dude. :dunno:

With a dick and balls.

Apparently Legion is gay!
"Not that there's anything wrong with that"!
Apparently Legion is gay!
"Not that there's anything wrong with that"!

He certainly seems to be a fan of that tranny. I've had better looking trannies than that offering to blow me and turned them down. Not into faggotry.

It is what it is.

Herman don't work for dudes. :nono:

Smells are always involved.

I guarantee that tranny of Legion's smells like balls and rotten cum.

I like the scent of a woman.
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