Is an egg a chicken?

Hello Darth,

Every person begins to exist at conception. That’s when you began to exist it’s when I began to exist.

There’s really no way out of it lol.

The SCOTUS said a corporation is a person.

When is a corporation conceived?

When does the life of a corporation begin?
Hello Darth,

I think you just accepted that personhood begins at conception.

And you could write my next post, seeing as how you just tried to rewrite that one.

I've told you this numerous times. You should have it down by now.

If I was saying what you imagine then I would have said it.

But I didn't say that.

What I said was in my post.

And that is different from what you said in your post.

So, it's very simple.

If you want to know what I said, read my posts.

What I said is in my post.

What you said is in your post.

It could hardly be simpler to see who said what.
The fact that you would not, under any circumstances, risk your life to run into a burning fertility clinic to save a petri dish of blastocysts means that you too have doubts about when a human life actually begins. Obviously, you do not actually think it starts at conception.

your strawman is on fire and you won't even throw water on it...
There are multiple definitions of life, and you could spend hours googling any number of them.

The fact that two centuries after the onset of molecular biology there still is not a universal scientific consensus, tenet, or law on a precise definition of life highlights that it is a metaphysical question.

There is no empirical reality behind our numerous definitions of life. It is all based on subjective metaphysics.
There is only one SCIENTIC definition of life.
There is only one SCIENTIC definition of life.

You mean this one?

What gave you the idea that you’re capable of determining that lol?

Biology gets abused by abortion advocates in these debates. They are instructional in that sense.

It's pretty obvious when a person doesn't know shit about biology or science in general.

Shouldn’t be too hard to point out where I’ve been wrong then.

Or is this you talking out your ass again?

You constantly mix fucking politics with a few scientific ideas like you did with masks and "only 61 deaths".

Why did you ask for the 61 thread to be closed?
Death by Corona numbers explode to 61

Running low on substitute adjectives for ‘creep’ and ‘crawl’ so I went with the sarcastic angle in the OP title.

Related news: at least one doctor thinks the CHINA virus has already been in WV since there have been a cluster of people with flu like symptoms that tested negative for seasonal flu virus over the past 6-8 weeks. Could easily be true and if it is, the virulence of the virus is unremarkable with respect to the vast majority of people.

Also, if true, the actual number of Corona cases is a lot higher than the number of confirmed cases, nationally. This is probably what prompted the expert in OH to speculate that OH could have 100k cases of the virus.

But if all of this is true, look at the number in the OP title—and think.
Coup has started. First of many steps. Impeachment will follow ultimately~WB attorney Mark Zaid, January 2017
You constantly mix fucking politics with a few scientific ideas like you did with masks and "only 61 deaths".

Why did you ask for the 61 thread to be closed?
Death by Corona numbers explode to 61

Running low on substitute adjectives for ‘creep’ and ‘crawl’ so I went with the sarcastic angle in the OP title.

Related news: at least one doctor thinks the CHINA virus has already been in WV since there have been a cluster of people with flu like symptoms that tested negative for seasonal flu virus over the past 6-8 weeks. Could easily be true and if it is, the virulence of the virus is unremarkable with respect to the vast majority of people.

Also, if true, the actual number of Corona cases is a lot higher than the number of confirmed cases, nationally. This is probably what prompted the expert in OH to speculate that OH could have 100k cases of the virus.

But if all of this is true, look at the number in the OP title—and think.
Coup has started. First of many steps. Impeachment will follow ultimately~WB attorney Mark Zaid, January 2017

Is this your way of conceding I haven’t made any biological errors lol?