Is an egg a chicken?

I will repeatedly try to pretend that there is no difference between an unfertilized chicken egg and a fertilized chicken egg because if I don't, my entire argument tumbles like a house of cards

This is most amusing.

In this thread we have one conservative arguing that science supports the conservative position, and in another thread we have a conservative arguing that the science which supports the liberal position on climate change is meaningless.

This is most amusing.

In this thread we have one conservative arguing that science supports the conservative position, and in another thread we have a conservative arguing that the science which supports the liberal position on climate change is meaningless.


Science only attempts to explain the natural world. The best scientific explanation is that chickens begin to exist at the moment of conception.

It’s not a political position.
This is most amusing.

In this thread we have one conservative arguing that science supports the conservative position, and in another thread we have a conservative arguing that the science which supports the liberal position on climate change is meaningless.


The definition of life, or when life begins are metaphysical questions, not a scientific questions.
Hello Darth,

Science only attempts to explain the natural world. The best scientific explanation is that chickens begin to exist at the moment of conception.

It’s not a political position.

Chickens have existed long before any current chicken becomes a unique individual.

Life is a continuum.
You are an idiot and that is a scientific definition. Life and death are both scientific in definition.

There are multiple definitions of life, and you could spend hours googling any number of them.

The fact that two centuries after the onset of molecular biology there still is not a universal scientific consensus, tenet, or law on a precise definition of life highlights that it is a metaphysical question.

There is no empirical reality behind our numerous definitions of life. It is all based on subjective metaphysics.
At this point in the thread we really need a survey.

Who still gives a fat flying fuck whether or not an egg is a chicken?

Curious minds want to know.
But we are discussing when a specific organism begins to exist.

What you are not understanding is that we know what you are talking about.

You might have a point if we're discussing the morphology in the biological and philosophical sense. I cannot recall a specific term for it but in the world of idealism, the forms are already there.