There are whole scientific disciplines devoted to the science of complexity and emergence which study how diffuse systems with many parts can produce emergent phenomena having structure and complexity.
Galaxies, galaxy clusters, biological cells, crystallization of ice from random water molecules represent a few of numerous examples. None of them violate any tenets of the second law of thermodynamics.
There may be obscure rightwing Christian blogs out there who holler about violations of the second law of thermodynamics - but physicists and mathematicians working in the discipline of emergence science deal everyday with structure and complex systems that are formed bottom up from random systems made of many parts.
Just because our souped-up chimpanzee brains may not have the cognitive capabilities to grasp everything about emergence and complexity does not necessarily point to a sentient intelligent designer.
I am willing to accept a premise of an intelligent designer on faith alone. But invoking the tenets of thermodynamics to supposedly prove intelligent design does not cut the mustard.