Is Backdoor Harris a Marxist ?

She is a ShapeShifter.....She is what ever she needs to be in order to get what ever it is she decides she wants.....and she has no interest in being honest....that would get in her way.

We are so very fucked.
Nothing to do with the question in the OP.

Plenty of people were brought up by bad people.

actually yes it has a lot to do with the question, our upbringing and parental values morals and political beliefs and religious beliefs are often major influences in our lives.
I think thats a accepted fact.
And that is basically what I am asking proud dummy .
proud dummy I think most of us would tie here upbringing to that possibility.

Im guessing your parents were democrats and not republicans and I would guess they had a influence on your beliefs

She is a ShapeShifter.....She is what ever she needs to be in order to get what ever it is she decides she wants.....and she has no interest in being honest....that would get in her way.

Remember when she was an "Indian? Now she's "Black".

you're a fucking asshole. This forum has gone to shit.

really little biter, why is that because I posted a that tell the truth about back door harris and here questionable upbringing and parents ?

aww yes I forget you hate the truth its disturbing to you.
I forget you worship such anti American beliefs and don't want people to know facts as it might cause them to question motives and what kind of anti Americans they elected such as biter and backdoor Harris .

Republicans had the make America great again and you have lets fuck up America .

that's why I wouldn't piss in your mouth if was on fire and think your a waste of skin and a true retard.
yes I can see where you want the forum to be all people like you so you can all sit around the camp fire and slap each other on the back after sucking each other dicks in a group congratulation ceremony like a flock of gay sheep all thinking alike like drones that have been programed by the chairman of china