Is Backdoor Harris a Marxist ?

really little biter, why is that because I posted a that tell the truth about back door harris and here questionable upbringing and parents ?

aww yes I forget you hate the truth its disturbing to you.
I forget you worship such anti American beliefs and don't want people to know facts as it might cause them to question motives and what kind of anti Americans they elected such as biter and backdoor Harris .

Republicans had the make America great again and you have lets fuck up America .

that's why I wouldn't piss in your mouth if was on fire and think your a waste of skin and a true retard.
yes I can see where you want the forum to be all people like you so you can all sit around the camp fire and slap each other on the back after sucking each other dicks in a group congratulation ceremony like a flock of gay sheep all thinking alike like drones that have been programed by the chairman of china

yes I can see where you want the forum to be all people like you so you can all sit around the camp fire and slap each other on the back after sucking each other dicks in a group congratulation ceremony like a flock of gay sheep all thinking alike like drones that have been programed by the chairman of china

He's pissing his pink panties in pusillanimous panic like a pussy over in Current Events right now.

FBI arrested and is prosecuting over a hundred of those terrorists


Don't think she's a Marxist, but I would say she's a liar...err lawyer as if there's a difference... by training. On top of that, she's definitely a Leftist Progressive so we can toss in idiot, moron, retard, and general turd on top of that.
Although I respectfully quote Marx in my forum signature, even I'm not a Marxist.
In the process of debating the meaning of socialism, one of our forum right wing geniuses tried to tell me that socialism was a form of government.
Communism can be. Socialism refers only to public sector programs that are tax revenue funded. Any kind of government has some, and ours includes
Social Security, the Veterans Administration [thanks to the poster who pointed that bout], Medicare, and unemployment insurance.

While the Q'Anon Seditionist/Insurrectionist Trumpanzee Republican Party professional operatives deliberately misuse terms to confuse the trumpanzee masses,
the trumpanzee "contributors" to this forum simply don't know what words mean.
Regretfully, that doesn't stop them from using the words.
Although I respectfully quote Marx in my forum signature, even I'm not a Marxist.
In the process of debating the meaning of socialism, one of our forum right wing geniuses tried to tell me that socialism was a form of government.
Communism can be. Socialism refers only to public sector programs that are tax revenue funded. Any kind of government has some, and ours includes
Social Security, the Veterans Administration [thanks to the poster who pointed that bout], Medicare, and unemployment insurance.

While the Q'Anon Seditionist/Insurrectionist Trumpanzee Republican Party professional operatives deliberately misuse terms to confuse the trumpanzee masses,
the trumpanzee "contributors" to this forum simply don't know what words mean.
Regretfully, that doesn't stop them from using the words.

Communism is Socialism & Norse Democracy is not.
Look up the definition of Socialism, it means production & distribution by the people.

It does NOT mean those things exclusive of a private sector.

And our socialism produces only services as we have no government manufacturing.
Our government buys things from the private sector, sometimes where it might actually be arguably better if they just made what they needed.
The definition of socialism must be garnered from economic texts as well as political ones to be understood.

It is useful to the fascist American right, however, to equate socialism, widely embraced throughout the civilized world, to communism,
even as communist nations like the PRC are engaging in more private sector commerce than they did pre-evolution.
It does NOT mean those things exclusive of a private sector.

And our socialism produces only services as we have no government manufacturing.
Our government buys things from the private sector, sometimes where it might actually be arguably better if they just made what they needed.
The definition of socialism must be garnered from economic texts as well as political ones to be understood.

It is useful to the fascist American right, however, to equate socialism, widely embraced throughout the civilized world, to communism,
even as communist nations like the PRC are engaging in more private sector commerce than they did pre-evolution.

Norse Democracy isn't Socialism by definition.
Norse Democracy isn't Socialism by definition.

Socialism isn't communism by definition.
It's a nice scary word for right wing seditionist extremists because of our inadequate commitment to education in this country.
Why is payroll tax funded retirement pension from the government called "Social Security?"
Socialism isn't communism by definition.
It's a nice scary word for right wing seditionist extremists because of our inadequate commitment to education in this country.
Why is payroll tax funded retirement pension from the government called "Social Security?"

Communism is Socialism.

It's about as close to Socialism as you can get.