Is Biden Covid a HOAX to Use As An Excuse for the Next Few Weeks?

Just wondering. I mean he's been vaccinated 473 times, right?

How convenient.

Is Biden Covid a HOAX to Use As An Excuse for the Next Few Weeks?​

Any excuse will do- as long as he quits SOON
If he knew he was not well, why did he continue to interact with people? He knew he might be ill...he took the Covid test for a reason....until he knew the results, they should have suspended any events...
If he knew he was not well, why did he continue to interact with people? He knew he might be ill...he took the Covid test for a reason....until he knew the results, they should have suspended any events...
Why would they do that? His brain was broken, endangering every American, and that didn't stop them from trying to "Weekend at Bernie's" his pResidency. What makes you think that they care about Covid spreading?
Why would they do that? His brain was broken, endangering every American, and that didn't stop them from trying to "Weekend at Bernie's" his pResidency. What makes you think that they care about Covid spreading?
Good point... Or maybe he doesn't even have covid... maybe they just needed to use it as an excuse for why he did so poorly in the recent interviews and appearances...
Yes, people have COVID and don’t know it, and spread it, it’s how Biden got it. It happens. Trump held rallies and Herman Cain died, this was during the peak of COVID. You really should stop with this kind of criticism.
Unless you have other severe morbidities, COVID is no worse than the flu.