Is Biden Covid a HOAX to Use As An Excuse for the Next Few Weeks?

NEW: President Joe Biden seen being a superspreader at a Mexican restaurant in Las Vegas just one hour before he announced he had cov*d.At 5:20 pm eastern time, Biden's National Latino Engagement Director
posted the following video from Las Vegas.Less than one hour later, it was announced that Biden had cov*d and had to cancel his event in Las Vegas."Biden spending a moment with a young girl and her family in Las Vegas today at iconic Mexican restaurant Lindo Michoacán," Villegas said at 5:20 pm today.


The COVID claim is almost certainly yet another lie....He needed days off but is trying to pretend that he is fit to serve.....COVID is cover for the needed rest.
No, just a reminder to the magas here that conspiracy theories rotted their brains.
Naww we all know you wear it to ward off MAGAs.. It will not work we are coming for you. You will live in an America that we make better. You won't see trannies flashing their boobs on the White House lawn for at least four years. I know that disappoints you. Sorry.
What kind of Golden Parachute did Joe demand?
He is not in a position to make demands, but I am sure he has been doing anyways. The response from the people who run America from the shadows was likely "Do it, or else!".

I saw someone say that he is not stepping down, only not running for a second term....that is not going to fly....the Regime cant allow that.....the Empire is crashing......the office must have a functioning human in it.