Is Castro dead?

I think there's a good chance that he up and died. This is purely speculation of course, but if he did, they could say he's still alive, and that he's just recovering while Raul takes the reigns of power with a reduced threat of revolution. Once securely in the drivers seat, Raul announces that Fidel is dead, and the power transition is seamless.

Or, the mofon could still be alive. But I wouldn't take Cuban reports as any sort of Gospel.
Beefy said:
I think there's a good chance that he up and died. This is purely speculation of course, but if he did, they could say he's still alive, and that he's just recovering while Raul takes the reigns of power with a reduced threat of revolution. Once securely in the drivers seat, Raul announces that Fidel is dead, and the power transition is seamless.

Or, the mofon could still be alive. But I wouldn't take Cuban reports as any sort of Gospel.

Possible ... I get a kick out of "Transfers the Powers of the Presidency" lol!
IHateGovernment said:
Beefy didn't you call Arafats death a few days prematurely?

Jeez man. One false move in '04 and I never live it down. That's why I prefaced this thing with the "purely speculation" deal. Who are you? Rain man?
IHateGovernment said:
Couldn't resist. As far as Rain man I wish I'd go straight to the casino.

Well, I'd put up some dough with that memory. Anyhow, I don't think my scenario is all that implausible.
Actually, now that large oil reserves have been discovered off of cuba's coast, Fidel being out of the picture is the perfect smokescreen for those americans who have blustered for 50 years about "maintaining" the embargo, to flip-flop and demand economic relations with cuba.

So, american oil companies can get a piece of the action of course. I don't have a problem with this. Its hypocrisy, but it might be for the best, in the end.
Cypress said:
Actually, now that large oil reserves have been discovered off of cuba's coast, Fidel being out of the picture is the perfect smokescreen for those americans who have blustered for 50 years about "maintaining" the embargo, to flip-flop and demand economic relations with cuba.

So, american oil companies can get a piece of the action of course. I don't have a problem with this. Its hypocrisy, but it might be for the best, in the end.
There are many companies that have contracts already for doing business in Cuba as soon as the old man goes...
Beefy said:
I think there's a good chance that he up and died. This is purely speculation of course, but if he did, they could say he's still alive, and that he's just recovering while Raul takes the reigns of power with a reduced threat of revolution. Once securely in the drivers seat, Raul announces that Fidel is dead, and the power transition is seamless.

Or, the mofon could still be alive. But I wouldn't take Cuban reports as any sort of Gospel.

No, that's right Beefy, nor would I. I mean, it's not like we're talking about missives coming from the Bushit Department of Poopaganda.

These are communists! There is no telling what kind of shit they might make up.
OrnotBitwise said:
Socialized medicine and -- oh, the horror -- universal literacy! :shock:


I imagine that universal literacy is a horror to right wingers...if we had it, it's highly unlikely bush would have garnered even 30 percent of the vote.