Is Castro dead?

Damocles said:
There are many companies that have contracts already for doing business in Cuba as soon as the old man goes...

This 50-year embargo is stupid.

There's only one reason we've kept it in place: Florida's presidential electoral votes.

I would love to see american companies joining the world community in cuban oil exploration.
Darla do you think it is wrong to be skeptical of Cuban news reports. It has nothing to do with Cuba being communist it has to do with Cuba being a totalitarian government.

I don't trust American news completely but I trust it more than from a country that doesn't even pretend to have freedom of the press.
We have problems here but I wouldn't want to live in Cuba. I've never heard of anyone risking their life to live in Cuba.
IHateGovernment said:
Darla do you think it is wrong to be skeptical of Cuban news reports. It has nothing to do with Cuba being communist it has to do with Cuba being a totalitarian government.

I don't trust American news completely but I trust it more than from a country that doesn't even pretend to have freedom of the press.

I trust reports from absolutely no government and believe that anyone who does is foolish.

Anyone who thinks reports coming out of the bush adminstration are more trustworthy than something coming out of the Castro adminstration just hasn't been following them very closely. Let me tell you this; if bush's mouth is moving, he's lying.

To me, it's all the same. I find no comfort in the pretense of a free press.
Looking at your post again it seems it wasn't Beefy you were mocking but just commenting on how our news isn't so great itself. Am I right?
I belive many tourism and suggar industry people here in FLorida have a big interest in keeping Cuba closed down for business.
Darla said:
No, that's right Beefy, nor would I. I mean, it's not like we're talking about missives coming from the Bushit Department of Poopaganda.

These are communists! There is no telling what kind of shit they might make up.

The Cuban government is far worse than even this idiotic administration. Their media is 100% state controlled. They have three channells of running propaganda all day long, peppered in with some sports. There are billboards all over the city and countryside promting Fidel and stating how wonderful life in Cuba is. Retirement is Secure, in Cuba! Socialism! We stand strong to gether or we are nothing at all, Cuba! We owe our lives to Fidel, Cuba!

Even boarding houses and hotels have notices on their windows stating that this house or hotel is the property of all Cubans, and more importantly Fidel Castro, please be respectful of that.

Every ounce of media and communication that can be controlled by the government, is controlled by the government. Yeah, the W is a retarded mongoloid, but any comparison between out media and theirs is pure drivel.
IHateGovernment said:
Probably the cigar business too.

Not much cigar production in Florida... Labor is too expensive, mostly its done in the dominican Republic!
Jarod said:
I belive many tourism and suggar industry people here in FLorida have a big interest in keeping Cuba closed down for business.
At last! Someone who's asking why we really keep that stupid embargo in place.


Actually, I think that it's mostly for pandering to the South Florida unindicted criminal vote, myself.