Let's go Brandon!
Mortgage debt is not included in a portfolio calculation, doperYou don't own shit
The bank does
I own the bank
Mortgage debt is not included in a portfolio calculation, doperYou don't own shit
The bank does
I own the bank
Mortgage debt is not included in a portfolio calculation, doper
ignorance continues today in your every act and are the inheritor of the Dark Ages mentality.......
None of you tool bags has a million in stocks
lol.....I doubt you even have a tool bag.......
Ready to apologize yet, Pimp?
The enforced ignorance of your religion held back the advancement of humanity by hundreds of years.
You inherit that, not I, Pimp.
You should be begging for the opportunity to apologize to mankind.
lol.....I doubt you even have a tool bag.......
Only because Christian acts of faith-based violence are illegal under American law.
You yearn to assault gays, oppress women, and kill blasphemers. Only your fear of the consequences prevents you.
Don't lie.
I notice that you said "it's hard to argue that flinging homosexuals off buildings or honor killing females is a problem".
You don't own shit
The bank does
I own the bank
Uh yeah right, you probably don't even own the shirt on your back!
I own more socks than your entire net worth
You show no signs of jealousy
Rofl have nothing I am jealous of.....
Yeah stomping your feet crying about my MBA. Rofl
Your MBA that you can't use because you're a doper LOLOLOLOLOLOL
I use it to earn more in dividends than the average salary