Is Christiefan Legion's alter ego?

I'm done with the cunt wars. My side lost. That being said, will Jack make a comment about BullshitBob's use of it in almost every single one of his posts? Or have you been warned in advance by YOUKNOWWHO?

:) I have no problem with current jargon, colloquialisms, or slang. It's part of 'Free Speech'.
I have no problem with current jargon, colloquialisms, or slang. It's part of 'Free Speech'.

The only language I really object to is the use of racial slurs in my threads, as Matt Dillon learned recently.

Christiecrite, on the other hand, objects to the dreaded "c word", but only selectively.
The only language I really object to is the use of racial slurs in my threads, as Matt Dillon learned recently.

Christiecrite, on the other hand, objects to the dreaded "c word", but only selectively.

Deleting any 'word' is what the Book Burners use as an excuse to control thought. 'Free Speech' is what 'Freedom' is all about.
Primavera just posted something about the latest McWhorter book. Maybe you should read it?
Deleting any 'word' is what the Book Burners use as an excuse to control thought. 'Free Speech' is what 'Freedom' is all about.

My threads, my choice.

Damo's board, Damo's choice.

Start a thread with a racial slur in the title if you don't believe me.
The only language I really object to is the use of racial slurs in my threads, as Matt Dillon learned recently.

Christiecrite, on the other hand, objects to the dreaded "c word", but only selectively.

OMG! Did you know your love interest is a ... Snowflake?
Hey, she's backed into a wall with Owl and Dutch both breathing down her neck. She's paralyzed with fear.


Give her a break.

Hey, she's backed into a wall with Owl and Dutch both breathing down her neck. She's paralyzed with fear. Give her a break.
Terrified....and not the only one...Understandable, though...Once you start posting according to The Script there is no going back....Ever....because you know what will happen should you ever "stray"....