There is no such thing as any long term weather, anywhere. I notice that you made a long post that specifically AVOIDS a simple, straightforward and unambiguous definition of the global climate ... that doesn't violate physics, math or logic right out of the starting gate. Please go ahead and do that, and once you express this unambiguous definition, tell me what the global climate is, e.g. "freezing hot", "humidly arid", "foggy clear", etc ... What is the global climate?
Nope. The climate is whatever the climate is at this very moment. If I go Phoenix, Arizona in the middle of July, and for some freak reason, I catch the first few days of an Arctic cold wave, the climate is Arctic freeze.
So, no, your premise of "long term" anything is totally bunk and is not a component of any climate.
No geographic location has any control over, nor is bound by, anyone's expectations. The climate of a place you and I might be visiting won't somehow be confused as to what to be just because you and I have differing expectations.
A climate is completely independent of any and all expectations.
You have not defined any characteristics of "climate". Make sure to list every single one in your definition of the global climate.
"We" don't see anything. What I see is that your problem seems to be conflating an environment with a climate. You should learn what those two separate words mean.
Aaaaah, so any change whatsoever is Climate Change. Got it. When everything is Climate Change then nothing is Climate Change.
Your argument is dismissed.
Sure it is. You just don't know in what way.
You are introducing a "system" that you have not defined. I have no idea about what you are talking.
Nope. Learn what heat is.
... because nobody knows what it is to any usable accuracy.
That's what warmizombies do, because on the one hand, they have to claim that the earth's average global equilibrium temperature is increasing, but they can't admit to not knowing the earth's average global equilibrium temperature to any usable accuracy because then they would be rightfully asked "Well then how do you know it's increasing?"
So, they fabricate temperature charts that they label as "anomalies" and pretend that the data points are offsets of some "norm/baseline" ... that they don't know! It just as absurd.
You can't show the change of something you can't measure. Your gullibility has been leveraged and yoiu have been duped.
There is no science "Climate Science" any more than there is a science "Christian Science." They are both WACKY religions and their congregations are scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent.
I'll let you drone on, but you need to pinpoint exactly where temperature increases, because that implies there is suddenly more energy than there was previously. You need to account for that increase in energy.
Up to this point, we are still talking about the exact same quantity of energy, which means that the average global equilibrium temperature is the same; the energy is simply redistributed.
False. All matter absorbs infrared.
What is the purpose of creating a class "greenhouse gas"? Does it have some magical superpower to create energy out of nothing?
In fact it is exactly equal. The earth is in equilibrium.
Nope. Your argument is discarded until you fix this error.
By the way, how long are you claiming this silly "delay" lasts? Does greenhouse gas supposedly have a timer?
This is stupid. Good luck finding an actual scientist who won't laugh at this.
What do you mean by "warming"? The word is used to mean many things, and you seemingly refuse to define your terms. That should be your first clue that you have a religion on your hands.
What do you mean by the "surface"? Are you talking about the bottom of the atmosphere? Are you talking about the top of the ocean? Neither of those are the "surface" in black body science.
You haven't detailed any impact and more importantly, you haven't pinpointed when and where the temperature supposedly increases.
There are no Climate scientists. There are only Climate preachers.
Basically everything you have written thus far is totally wrong, to the point of being absurd.
What was the "before" speed of the release of the energy and what was the "after" speed?
I do. But the speed of light through any medium is the speed of light through that medium. You are claiming that greenhouse gas somehow slows light escaping into space, i.e. whereas it was previously escaping at the speed of light through the earth's atmosphere, it is supposedly slowed ... to something below the speed of light through the earth's atmosphere. How much are you claiming the light is "slowed"?
I'm glad to see that you at least understand some elements of refraction, but you have fallen far short of adequately supporting your religious doctrine.