Is collusion a crime?

Uranium one has been completely and thoroughly debunked. Perhaps Vince Foster was holding it in his lap when he committed suicide? Maybe the Clintons buried it in their Whitewater development.

Yeah, but Legion only reads gateway pundit.
Wishful thinking, Nerdberg?

FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain just last month. Cain's lawyer said that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property and ignored his claims of whistleblower protection. Cain's lawyer also claimed that Horowitz had transmitted his information to the House and Senate intelligence committees.

The FBI had looked into the agreement and uncovered that some Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in nefarious dealings, which included extortion, bribery and kickbacks, as reported in the Hill in 2017. Evidence of wrongdoing by Vadim Mikerin, the Russian official overseeing Putin’s nuclear expansion in the U.S. who was eventually sentenced to prison, was discovered by the FBI before the deal was approved.

That Russians were involved in nefarious dealings isn’t a surprise.

The concern was that the FBI knew that Russian nuclear industry officials had engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to help Russian President, and world’s richest man, Vladimir Putin, increase his commercial nuclear ambitions inside the United States, in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Rather than take action against this deal, the Department of Justice just continued investigating the matter for years, essentially leaving the American public, Congress, the Secretary of State and the Administration in the dark about more Russian meddling in the United States, this time involving nuclear. The key to this issue’s resurgence is that Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State at the time, Bill Clinton got a substantial speaking fee in Russia that year, and Russian money found its way to the Clinton Foundation.

The State Department and several government agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States first unanimously approved the 2010 sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear giant Rosatom. In 2013, Russia obtained 100% interest in Uranium One.

That is not to say Uranium One has been idle since that time. They have been buying up mines as fast as they can.

Uranium One, which is now wholly-owned subsidiary of Rosatom, sells uranium to civilian power reactors in the United States, according to the Energy Information Administration.
Uranium One, which is now wholly-owned subsidiary of Rosatom, sells uranium to civilian power reactors in the United States, according to the Energy Information Administration.

Now they do. Hillary and Bill got plenty of money during the process, fraudster.
Yeah, but Legion only reads gateway pundit.

Except I also cited the Times, Forbes and The Hill, fraudster.

Liberals like to pretend this story doesn't exist, don't they?

More wishful thinking on your part, Nerdberg.




Nonetheless, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, known as CFIUS, approved the deal by a unanimous vote, according to public reports. Clinton was just one member of the nine member CFIUS by virtue of her role as Secretary of State. The other eight members of CFIUS came from Treasury, Homeland Security, Commerce, Defense, Energy, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, the Office of Science & Technology, and the Justice Department.
Defenders of the deal point out that the Russians don't have a license to export the uranium out of the U.S., and that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission found no risk to national security. Clinton has said she was not involved in the deliberations and played no role in the decision. Jose Fernandez, a former assistant secretary of state, told the Times that he represented the department on the committee, and that "Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter."
This story was also debunked months ago, and more recently. Those debunkings include one by Shep Smith of Fox News:
The NYT says it happened, Nerdberg. Is the NYT fake news?

I am not going to waste time posting article after article disproving it. You cannot be reached. You are a low-level right wing nut who believes what he wants. Most people with firing neurons got off uranium one in shame.
I think I know why, and I understand your failure completely.


It turns out the Obama administration knew the Russians were engaged in bribery, kickbacks and extortion in order to gain control of US atomic resources — yet still OK’d that 2010 deal to give Moscow control of one-fifth of America’s uranium.

The Hill reports that in 2009 the FBI had substantial evidence — eyewitnesses backed by documents — of money-laundering, blackmail and bribery by Russians, all in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

The bureau even flagged the routing of millions from Russia to Clinton Inc.

Hillary, again, sat on a key government body that approved the deal — though she now claims she had no role in a deal with profound national security implications, and during the campaign called the payments a "coincidence".

The Obama administration kept it all under wraps, refusing to tell even top congressional intelligence figures.

The New York Times confirmed and followed up on the reporting — all of it denounced by Hillary as a partisan hit job.

Same damn post repeated. I know you are a believer, one of the very few left. I also know yoiu cannot manage evidence and facts, but will maintain your lies regardless. Probably a Vince Foster conspiracy nut too.