Is CUNT acceptable?

Is it acceptable? Do you really care if it is acceptable?

I don't know that anyone has been banned for using the word, so its not something to get your panties in a knot about. Most women won't tolerate the use of the word, but I doubt that is an issue for you anyway.
* posts have been shortened to highlight the point

i know in england it is apparently acceptable, but not in the US. i don't like the word and have never referred to a woman by that word.

is the word worse than faggot?


ANOTHER thread started by ButtHurtYurt whining about another poster...

And Yurt wonders why everyone thinks he's a whining little girl!

btw...when I "shortened" some of ButtHurtYurt's posts to facilitate making my point, he whined that I was changing the meaning of what he of course since the shoe is on the other foot, he's fine with it.

Good ol "do as I say and not as I do" ButtHurtYurt!