is Desh dead?

I remember when I lost my father to liver disease. I hope the knowledge of death's imminence gave you time to say a proper goodbye. I feel empathy for your loss.
death sucks. i fail to see what can be learned from it. so time is short. life is short. enjoy every minute. live life to the fullest. smile.

fuck that. i lived my life so that i could make as much money as possible so my brother would no longer have to live off government soon as i start making money......................................fuck
I remember when I lost my father to liver disease. I hope the knowledge of death's imminence gave you time to say a proper goodbye. I feel empathy for your loss.

It did and thank you.

To those who have never lost a loved one to a terrible disease, like cancer, this may sound cold-hearted, but I am actually grateful that this did not get dragged out for months on end. We were given a little over a month to adjust to the idea that dad's life was in danger and to spend some extra time with him and then when it began to take its toll, it took him in two weeks. I'm glad it did not happen over night like a heart attack but having watched him in those two weeks and knowing that things were not going to get better, I'm thankful that life took its course so quickly.

Funny, I have been wondering what happened to her as well.

I have always considered her a friend despite the fact that we argue about almost everything. I have not been posting here (or anywhere) much the last month or so as my dad was battling cancer. For those of you who have not heard, my dad lost that battle last Friday.

Anyway, I've been wondering about desh as well.


I'm sorry for your loss. My best friend's dad, of extremely poor health already, succumbed to a heart attack last Monday.
Her posting slowed down considerably over time. At FP, she had by far the highest count, but she never even came close to matching USC, Darla, or me during her time here.
She's moved on to a better place.... another message forum without the abundant conservative idiots.

We used to have just conservatives, but somewhere along the line they all disappeared and sent their idiot cousins to post in their stead.
She's moved on to a better place.... another message forum without the abundant conservative idiots.

We used to have just conservatives, but somewhere along the line they all disappeared and sent their idiot cousins to post in their stead.

yer a idiyit.