Is Donald Trump president yet?

YOU are the one who is butthurt, as YOU are the one who continues to blurt out Trump's name at any possible moment you can do so even though he is no longer in the White House. You have a disease, man. It is called TDS.

It's amazing the political power that Trump has, even today. He lives rent free in liberal's heads. TDS still today consumes most of their energy. Apparently "insane" is the "new normal".
It was the Repubs that wanted to delay trial portion, does not matter, the impeachment part is done in the house, and besides the House already knew the trial portion was already rigged. The great part is they at least had a trial portion this time, and in that they proved without a doubt that trump is responsible for what happened at the Capital. Whether the right-winger trumplings want to admit it does not matter, the facts are there for History to record and trump will go down as one of the worst if not The worst President this Nation ever had to endure, thankfully the American People made sure he only got one term.

WRONG. Impeachment does not involve the Senate trial at all. Impeachment takes place when the articles of impeachment are delivered to the Senate. That didn't take place until FIVE DAYS AFTER Trump left office. Trump was only impeached once as President.

Impeachment is not conviction. It is simply an accusation. In both of these cases, accusation borne out of utter hatred by Democrats, with no specific criminal charges brought and with no evidence.

Why is it psychoquackery, INT/IBDa/gfm?

The Qless are just as bag of psychos. Some are probably retarded down to 70 and/or mentally ill.

I fail to see who you believe you are fooling by denying the existence of Q and the cult around him.
It's amazing the political power that Trump has, even today. He lives rent free in liberal's heads. TDS still today consumes most of their energy. Apparently "insane" is the "new normal".

Yup, and that's not only over Democrats, but over the GOPe as well. Decepicon Paul Ryan from my State is currently attempting to help out Liz Cheney in WY via fundraising efforts for her eventual ousting from Congress. Such GOP traitors are already shaking in their boots even thinking about 2022 prospects, knowing that without Trump's MAGA seal of approval that they are royally fucked, politically speaking. Other Decepticons (such as Nikki Haley) have attempted to hold meetings with Trump, but Trump has rightfully told them to shove it where the sun don't shine.
Who or what IS QAnon? Is this another buzzword created by the idiots in the press, like 'Polar Vortex"?

Beats me... From what I've picked up on, it sounds like it's fabled that there's some person and group of followers out there "somewhere" that believes some sort of kooky stuff or something... Funny how it's labeled as a "far right-wing conspiracy theory", yet us right wingers have no clue what the hell this Q'anomnomnomnomnom (sp?) even is and we don't even give the slightest shit about it whatever it is...