Is Elizabeth Warren a racist??


It was mentioned that someone's avatar makes them a racist, so does Warren's cookie jar make her a racist also??

But you were proven to be in error and further proof, is your need to resort to insults. :good4u:


Who proved me wrong and where idiot?

Just knowing you exist is an insult to mankind! You should have a little talk with yourself and realize you run and vote with racists, misogynists, liars , and cheats!

So I find it easy to insult people like you!
Who proved me wrong and where idiot?

Just knowing you exist is an insult to mankind! You should have a little talk with yourself and realize you run and vote with racists, misogynists, liars , and cheats!

So I find it easy to insult people like you!

Where did I say it was me and it was proven, in an earlier post, and now you prove my point, by continuing to make insulting comments; but then, you are a liberal, so it's to be expected. :good4u:

To answer the question at the beginning of this thread - Yep, I believe FAUXCAHONTAS IS racist, right down to her .001% Native American bone!