Is Elizabeth Warren a racist??

I hope your ass grows together and you die a horrible death!

The world would be a better place!

Please stop projecting your afflictions and such, on others.

Little Adolf is TOO DUMB to try to reason or debate with. Give up on the fool and ignore him!

There is no debate idiot! Liz Warren has a teapot collection! It is on the shelf in the picture.

Everything on that shelf is a teapot- not some racist figurine!

If there was a debate, It was over the minute I was able to point that out!
Pocahontas is an idiot. Not sure if that qualifies as being a racist.

Regardless of what racist artifacts she may decorate her home with, she DID mark the American Indian block for race on her TX bar form. Stealing another race to exploit is very racist. Race theft is very racist, and far worse than wearing some black makeup at a costume party. Pocahontas is probably the whitest racist in America.