Is Fascism Right or Left?

Really? What's your level of education?

Much higher than yours, I'm sure. I only posted the video, there are arguments for and against. Of course in practice for the ordinary citizens there is little difference as they are remarkably similar in their suppression of human rights.
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Racism knows no political restraints. Racism is simply a "fact" of humanity. There are different races, different cultures, different societal mores' precisely because racism is an "innate" condition of being human. If racism did not exist there would be only one species of man upon the earth....not 30 different "sub" species. All creatures flock and gather within the same is no different.

Anyone that declares they are not racist in the least are both liars and hypocrites....and the first to roll up their windows and lock their doors when they drive their families through the seedy side of some left wing ghetto shit hole. To the left the claim of racism is simply a political tool to hit over the head of those stupid enough to purchase the Bullshit they are peddling. "Social Justice" is a communist left wing pipe dream...that always ends with fascist violence.

"Right," "Left," "democrat," or "republican." All those things are just labels. They are all a little bit of both. How would you describe plutocracy. Because that is the kind of system in which we actually live under. Also, maybe this thread will hold some interest for you.
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