Is Fascism Right or Left?

[fash-iz-uh m]

a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Let's break this down to see how it applies to the left:

led by a dictator having complete power Yes, liberals would love it if Obama were President for life or could have appointed Hillary to replace him. They are Fascists.

forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism Yes, liberals define this Fascist trait. Look how they are acting now with people they disagree with. They are Fascists.

regimenting all industry, commerce, etc. Yes, liberals work tirelessly to achieve this. They are Fascists.

emphasizing an aggressive nationalism Yes, their rigid ideology is there version of nationalism while hating all things America. They are Fascist.

often racism Yes, liberals hate white people almost as much as they hate themselves for being white. They are Fascists.

Any questions?
My fascists are less fascist than your fascists so there.


Both, if you think of everything as an even plane, and add in recent history right, however, given the similarities in extreme right and left positions, Fascism and Communism, a circle is more appropriate, and Fascism is where the circle meets at the top

Both, if you think of everything as an even plane, and add in recent history, the right, however, given authoritarian similarities in extreme right and left positions, Fascism and Communism, a circle is more appropriate, and Fascism is where the circle meets at the top