Is FoxNews biased?

On FOX you get both left and right wing views. While many of their most popular hosts are Conservative they certainly allow both sides their time to speak, and that's why liberals absolutely hate FOX news, they're only satisfied if their point is the only view expressed. I swear MSNBC, you get literally half of every story, it's laughable.
On FOX you get both left and right wing views. While many of their most popular hosts are Conservative they certainly allow both sides their time to speak, and that's why liberals absolutely hate FOX news, they're only satisfied if their point is the only view expressed. I swear MSNBC, you get literally half of every story, it's laughable.

You can say that til the cows come home. You can site the studies that back you up, but it won't matter. The left will not go for non-partisan.
One of Foxes highest rated programs contains debate amongst two of the highest rated radio talk show hosts of both Conservatives and Liberalism.

In fact almost every format is designed to have the two ideas debate an issue.
One of Foxes highest rated programs contains debate amongst two of the highest rated radio talk show hosts of both Conservatives and Liberalism.

In fact almost every format is designed to have the two ideas debate an issue.

First off, the liberal opinion is always portrayed by a fucking idiot. Colmes is one of the dumbest people on the planet. He only shows up at the studio as fodder to have the all white all conservative audience laugh at him.

Second, there are more than two possible ways to look at an issue.

Third, there is supposed to be NO BIAS. ONLY THE FACTS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PRESENTED. Giving one side of the story, and then a shitty strawman version made up by someone posing as a centrist Democratic, doesn't make up for that.
Combs is the 2nd highest rated liberal talk news host, so...

News programs are presented as news, at times panels come in to 'evaluate' major events, and all sides, left right and center get to weigh in.
The bias at Fox is pretty clear.

You take the same article from the Associated press, and look at the Fox title, and then look at the ABC news title, or the MSNBC title.
Fox news is incredibly biased. They are somewhat careful, but they don't hide it. They are essentially pro Bush, pro war, pro NeoRepublican, and they have a very weak case in terms of "fair and balanced". They are like the talk radio of cable media. They don't even try that hard to hide it.

As a conservative libertarian, I can see their bias. William, as a neocon Republican parrot, cannot.
The bias at Fox is pretty clear.

You take the same article from the Associated press, and look at the Fox title, and then look at the ABC news title, or the MSNBC title.

So is the bias at any network, as I have said before...I will not debate that Fox News is not biased, but I find it laughable that there are those of you who insist that there are unbiased networks. The bottom line is that journalism has become about ratings and entertainment, as well as the agenda of the company itself.
So is the bias at any network, as I have said before...I will not debate that Fox News is not biased, but I find it laughable that there are those of you who insist that there are unbiased networks. The bottom line is that journalism has become about ratings and entertainment, as well as the agenda of the company itself.

Of course it has. But some offenders are worse than others. You must certainly acknowledge that.
All networks are biased to one side or the other.

You are right they are , it just so happens they all lean to the right because they are corporations and gain from republicans coddling the corporate world.

Why did all the networks beat the drums to war with Iraq ?

Why did they fire people like Phil Donahue who had the fastest climbing ratings?

The corporate media wanted Bush to be elected and they wanted him to succede so they could do more consolidating and get some great tax cuts.

A corporations only duty is to make more money, not to provide truthful news.
You are right they are , it just so happens they all lean to the right because they are corporations and gain from republicans coddling the corporate world.

Why did all the networks beat the drums to war with Iraq ?

Why did they fire people like Phil Donahue who had the fastest climbing ratings?

The corporate media wanted Bush to be elected and they wanted him to succede so they could do more consolidating and get some great tax cuts.

A corporations only duty is to make more money, not to provide truthful news.

This response is not directed at you personally Desh as (many) others share your same feelings.

A. I believe this answer is a load of not good stuff. (although I will caveat it with I guess it depends on far left one is. to those on the true left then even Democratic leaning bias still seams to the right.)

Yes corporations exist to make money but because one is a corporation does not mean it is going to make money. Corporations rely on their brand, customer loyalty and integrity among other things. If a corporation were known to be putting false info out that is not going to be in the corporation's advantage.

To me the irony in all this is newsdivisions and newscasters have leaned left for years. I can't believe it took until 1996 for a station to deliver the news with a right leaning perspective.

Sorry, two month old neice is crying. Her uncle must respond. I will finish this post shortly.
This response is not directed at you personally Desh as (many) others share your same feelings.

A. I believe this answer is a load of not good stuff. (although I will caveat it with I guess it depends on far left one is. to those on the true left then even Democratic leaning bias still seams to the right.)

Yes corporations exist to make money but because one is a corporation does not mean it is going to make money. Corporations rely on their brand, customer loyalty and integrity among other things. If a corporation were known to be putting false info out that is not going to be in the corporation's advantage.

To me the irony in all this is newsdivisions and newscasters have leaned left for years. I can't believe it took until 1996 for a station to deliver the news with a right leaning perspective.

Sorry, two month old neice is crying. Her uncle must respond. I will finish this post shortly.

That is merely your perspective and it is wrong. The news leans right and has for many years due to consolidation of the media.

They set you up to accept a totally biased news station like fox and you swallowed the bait .