is freedom dead?

Is freedom dead in the USA now?

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At the very least, not free to desert.

The point I was trying to illustrate is that no one has ever been completely free. I think the choices offered in the poll presuppose a time when we were supposedly more free than we are today. I'm not so sure that such a time ever existed if you take into account that entire groups of people were not altogether free in our not-too-distant-past.

The only 'free' state is a state of nature. Most of us would not want to live under such non-rule. On the other hand, have most Americans been 'more free' than today? Yes. 9/11 changed much.
Meandering through Google in search of "what does freedom mean?" I stumbled upon this site... with the following statement- I found it quite illuminating given the rise in "Libertarian" thought this election cycle.

Moderate libertarians understand such things. They make allowances for some taxation, enough to pay for “vital” government services. But should we call such people “libertarians?” The answer from such hardcore libertarian sites as and is a screaming, ranting, foaming-at-the-mouth “NO!!!!”
The early American republic, after the rule of the Federalists, was one of the least free times in American history. Freedom was at it's peak in the 50's and 60's until the neo-liberals got back in power and destroyed America, reducing it to the corpse it is today.

The Federalists were the greatest thing to happen for America. Don't be a Jeffersonian pussy (unless you're happy with slavery, secession, and ignorance).
the media hasn't been too loud about part of the new NDAA awaiting signature, but it massively expands part of the TSA/DHS program called VIPR, or "Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response", where the TSA recently tested this in Tennessee. It consists of random checkpoints across the state where they dog sniff vehicles and americans for prevention of terrorism. Apparently the response was obedience, since i'd heard of no stories of anyone being arrested, imprisoned, or killed for defiance.

So, should we pack the American Experiment up and call it dead already?

Only two types of people, IMO, refuse to participate in their own polls: Cowards and Federal agent/informants seeking to rope in suckers.

If you were really a Federal agent or informant, it would explain why you were not arrested after 1/6.
Freedom cannot 'die'. It can be suppressed, but in the end it'll always come back. The pertinent question, is will it come back in our life time, and will it be peaceful.


Aren’t you tired of being wrong all the time yet?
I don't know about Billy, but the more I look, the more it looks like STY is a Federal informant.

That poster I quoted was originally called Billy

He served in Iraq

I hope he grew up

He was really ina bad place when he was here
the media hasn't been too loud about part of the new NDAA awaiting signature, but it massively expands part of the TSA/DHS program called VIPR, or "Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response", where the TSA recently tested this in Tennessee. It consists of random checkpoints across the state where they dog sniff vehicles and americans for prevention of terrorism. Apparently the response was obedience, since i'd heard of no stories of anyone being arrested, imprisoned, or killed for defiance.

So, should we pack the American Experiment up and call it dead already?

Can’t say it enough, it is nothing but humorous when one takes the abstract concept of freedom and turns it into a bumper sticker cliche. “Freedom,” I got to have my “freedom, “ they’re taking away our “freedom.” Again, as I’ve noted, the best was the post protesting that closing the Golden Corral during Covid violated their freedom to enjoy the Sunday buffet

All freedom is based upon reason, not desire
another liberal circle jerk predictable. watching your morons guarantees a hilarious result WHEN the war kicks off. you fuckers will not survive. the best hope for America.