Is God Bigger Than Ine Religion?

Can't imagine it. That's probably why people ignored hitler as he rose to power, thinking his rantings were just insane impossiblities. nevertheless, he gave it the old college try, with horrid consequences.
No, it was easy to imagine somebody who spoke of the "final solution" acting on what he said, especially when he held the power.

You are disingenuous.
No, it was easy to imagine somebody who spoke of the "final solution" acting on what he said, especially when he held the power.

You are disingenuous.

It's also easy to believe the internationlist fascist billionaires who TELL US OPENLY THEY ARE INTENT ON CREATING A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT acting on what they say, especially when they have the power.
It's also easy to believe the internationlist fascist billionaires who TELL US OPENLY THEY ARE INTENT ON CREATING A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT acting on what they say, especially when they have the power.
Except they are not in power. You still are being disingenuous.

Not one of them is the Dictator of a nation openly slaughtering a race of people.

I believe that there are people with that goal. I don't believe that they are even close to making it reality.
Except they are not in power. You still are being disingenuous.

Not one of them is the Dictator of a nation openly slaughtering a race of people.

I believe that there are people with that goal. I don't believe that they are even close to making it reality.

No. they control corporations, which we're in the process of granting power to to dictate national policy. I know you're naive on this issue, damo. I wouldn't be so proud though.
No. they control corporations, which we're in the process of granting power to to dictate national policy. I know you're naive on this issue, damo. I wouldn't be so proud though.
No, you exaggerate the issue. It's all good though. Let's get back to talking about God.

Nations are too fickle to all fall under one umbrella, if anybody believes that we can create a true one world government with the amount of different terrorist groups that abound is a bit naive and they fall too often for fear tactics.
No, you exaggerate the issue. It's all good though. Let's get back to talking about God.

Nations are too fickle to all fall under one umbrella, if anybody believes that we can create a true one world government with the amount of different terrorist groups that abound is a bit naive and they fall too often for fear tactics.

Nevertheless, they intend to try. Very seriously. No exaggeration.
Nevertheless, they intend to try. Very seriously. No exaggeration.
Which I said...

If you remember, just a post or two ago.

Something like:

I believe that there are people with that goal, but they are far from making it a reality. Definitely not in my lifetime.
Which I said...

If you remember, just a post or two ago.

Something like:

I believe that there are people with that goal, but they are far from making it a reality. Definitely not in my lifetime.

I believe they are closer than you think, as you might imagine.

how about in your grandkids lifetime? Do you see it within that time frame? if so, do you care?

I know they tell us that a good white person is one willing to sell his children down the toilet, but that's a bunch of b.s.
I believe they are closer than you think, as you might imagine.

how about in your grandkids lifetime? Do you see it within that time frame? if so, do you care?

I know they tell us that a good white person is one willing to sell his children down the toilet, but that's a bunch of b.s.
I think that long before it gets there, especially now that they are showing their "picture" of the world, they will find wide-ranging opposition and will learn what the saying "the enemy of our enemy is our friend" is all about.

And I believe that we will have likely dealt with it in my lifetime.
I think that long before it gets there, especially now that they are showing their "picture" of the world, they will find wide-ranging opposition and will learn what the saying "the enemy of our enemy is our friend" is all about.

And I believe that we will have likely dealt with it in my lifetime.

yes. they will be defeated.
Umm where to you get them ?
And what do you wear with them ?

I got mine in Bloomies, but if you're not the fashionista I am, you can pick up a knock-off asshat in Kmart or some such place.

You can wear them with almost anything, though, I would not wear a big look earring with them. Overdone. Tack-ay.
I got mine in Bloomies, but if you're not the fashionista I am, you can pick up a knock-off asshat in Kmart or some such place.

You can wear them with almost anything, though, I would not wear a big look earring with them. Overdone. Tack-ay.
Umm I wear no jewlry or tatoos.

But which end do you wear them on. I am afraid I need instructions.
I believe they are closer than you think, as you might imagine.

how about in your grandkids lifetime? Do you see it within that time frame? if so, do you care?

I know they tell us that a good white person is one willing to sell his children down the toilet, but that's a bunch of b.s.

I know you didn't ask me, BUT:" I can see a one world governemnt, but not of the type you envision, your's seems to be a dictatorship. while I see a democratic union of nations much like a larger rendition of the United States. Or a much better United Nations.
I know you didn't ask me, BUT:" I can see a one world governemnt, but not of the type you envision, your's seems to be a dictatorship. while I see a democratic union of nations much like a larger rendition of the United States. Or a much better United Nations.

We already have something similar to a democratic union of nations. That's NOT a one world government. You ENVISION the current state of affairs. What a visionary you are.