Capitalism puts the whims of greedy businesses over national interest.
Illegals & outsourcing are prime examples.
Both should be eliminated.
Capitalism puts the whims of greedy businesses over national interest.
Illegals & outsourcing are prime examples.
No one who says govt is the problem hates the govt you stupid fuck. Govt is a necessary evil you fucked up BCG. A bloated govt that you think is suppose to protect you from every all bad things is the problem. It used to be that govt protected freedoms but now you fucking morons think govt grants freedoms. I would ask if you could distinguish the diffference but I know better.
Yes, because the government is about 2/3 bigger than it needs to be and every government worker leeches tax dollars out of Americans' pockets.
It's not very hard to figure out.
I suppose you like that they're having expensively-catered champagne and cucumber finger sandwiches during the day, and hookers and blow at night on your money.
Doing a job that's fabricated and really does nothing.
Hunter Biden is partying on you!
Think so?
Indeed. If the laws already on the books are ignored and flouted by elected officials, more laws are unlikely to have an effect.
Then why do you fucks deregulate everything?
Why would you vote for a politician who says they hated the government you are hiring them to run? Because you want that person to kill that government
It’s what your fuck just tried to do
Oh fuck off with the empty and baseless ass crack emissions of gubernment is too huuuge
It’s a meme you dumb ass
A baseless idiot meme
For whom? Corporations and not people
You play stupid like a natural
See they got nothing in the face of this perfect logic
So you can't explain your own statements.
Corporations and the people who own and operate them, and their customers and suppliers.
He doesn't even know the meanings of the words he types. Just throws some poo out there using words he thinks sound clever. LMAO!
Am I wrong for laughing at his ignorance? Ohh..I'm a bad, bad man!
Capitalism puts the whims of greedy businesses over national interest.
Illegals & outsourcing are prime examples.
You are just a fucking idiot or a Russo bot hole