Is gravity force or acceleration?

Newtonian mechanics treats gravity as a force because it accelerates objects towards a center of mass. In general relativity, Einstein’s equivalence principle states that gravity is indistinguishable from acceleration. This helped in establishing the notion that gravity is merely the curving of spacetime

That is why gravitational force can not be reconciled with the other three fundamental forces. It is not a real force. It's just an acceleration that is affected by some space-time curvature and those other forces.

Ooops I thanked the wrong post
The simplest way for me to think about it is that space is not flat. We have to train our minds to think beyond the flat, chalkboard Euclidean geometry we learned in high school.

Space is curved in the presence of massive objects, like planets and stars. Smaller objects will not move in straight lines in the vicinity of massive objects In the absence of in absence of an inertial force, smaller objects will tend accelate along curved lines in space, converging on the center of gravity of the massive object.

Thanks but I wasn’t thinking the flat thing

I always picture it as a void

An endless void with objects in every direction

Picturing it bending has always been tuff for me

Bending is easier to imagine if it’s flat like the spandex does in the example

How can it bend in all directions ?

If a mass bends it

Do all masses bend it in the same direction like the model?
seems like just because scientists havent figured out why gravity works they wont let it be a force like the cool forces.

i think they simply need to think a little harder.
Thanks but I wasn’t thinking the flat thing

I always picture it as a void

An endless void with objects in every direction

Picturing it bending has always been tuff for me

Bending is easier to imagine if it’s flat like the spandex does in the example

How can it bend in all directions ?

If a mass bends it

Do all masses bend it in the same direction like the model?

Yes, I think those models with flat rubber sheets tend to really over simplify it. The curvature of spacetime is extremely difficult to intuitively grasp, that is why we need Einstein's field equations. It probably can only be grasped mathematically.

Bottom line: Space is curved in all directions around a massive object converging on the singularity at the center of the mass, and it theoretically extends to an infinite distance, though its practical effects act only over finite distance.
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Yes, I think those models with flat rubber sheets tend to really over simplify it. The curvature of spacetime is extremely difficult to intuitively grasp, that is why we need Einstein's field equations. It probably can only be grasped mathematically.

Bottom line: Space is curved in all directions around a massive object, and it theoretically extends to an infinite distance, though its practical effects act only over finite distance.

Wow that helps


I’m going to have to work on the image of the curvature in all directions

Curved around some huge mass

I have always intuitively imagined all the objects seeking each other until all the mass coalesces in that central mass and that causes an explosion that then redistributes the mass out again

So that central mass to be the area where the mass happened to contain the heaviest mass first after the Big Bang

In my little musings that would mean it was possible to have two or more masses being temporarily equal and or a possible switch of the bend of space and time

A reordering of the forces you might say

I just don’t know enough to even know if my intuitive imaginings are even close to reality
Wow that helps


I’m going to have to work on the image of the curvature in all directions

Curved around some huge mass

I have always intuitively imagined all the objects seeking each other until all the mass coalesces in that central mass and that causes an explosion that then redistributes the mass out again

So that central mass to be the area where the mass happened to contain the heaviest mass first after the Big Bang

In my little musings that would mean it was possible to have two or more masses being temporarily equal and or a possible switch of the bend of space and time

A reordering of the forces you might say

I just don’t know enough to even know if my intuitive imaginings are even close to reality

There are probably only twenty thousand people on the planet who can really grasp the full implications of spacetime and Einstein's field equations. The best we can do as laypersons is intuitively grasp the concepts, realizing that simple graphical models and images we try to picture in our mind's eye don't really do justice to the mathematics.
Gravity is a combination of forces working in series parallel expanding from magnetism spacing distances between what erodes and what decomposes using the same periodic table. Things combine or go up in size erode or come back down do to expanding nd contracting effects on objects that spin, orbit, revolve, spiral into a universal position of natural perpetual balancing details never staying same results present. Thermodynamics of forms and shapes here now spontaneously changing simultaneously here.

Inertia, momentum, push/pull, expand/contract, increase/decrease, currents, lightwaves, resistance, all these things working separately and at the same time.

Event horizons map the cycles working in unison as a whole. human intellect insists time be measured linearly, yet it is physically stationary to evolving results occupying space now.

Point to all my post is humans assumed the wrong proportions as facts, truths, better ways to live. Failure to understand the situation is all homo sapiens have done throughout history. Question remains,
1.on purpose, accident, oversight by everyone evolving here.

History shows from results and management of societal governance every generation and laws protecting those in charge it was only #1.