Is gridlock a good thing?

Gee; another painfully stupid inept post from the dunce.

Here's a better idea; how about if we, the sheeple, forced our politicians to stay within the intent of the Constitution and implemented term limits?

What a dishonest Dunce. You give "stupid" a bad name.

the mere idea of term limits is insulting to my intelligence.... obviously not to yours, however. the constitution has built in term limits... they are called regular elections. If you don't LIKE the job the incumbent is doing, why in the world do you feel compelled to vote for him?
the mere idea of term limits is insulting to my intelligence.... obviously not to yours, however. the constitution has built in term limits... they are called regular elections.

That would be fine and dandy if there weren't so many uninformed twits like you out there voting.

If you don't LIKE the job the incumbent is doing, why in the world do you feel compelled to vote for him?

That's amusing; I have two Democratic State Senators whom I have never voted for and who do not represent anything I value; how am I voting for them?

God you're one dumb dimwit.
I ran a fact check on your typically bland dialogue and you pegged the BS meter once again.

Following Bush, it wasn't too hard to look like an "American God". Bush was absolute trash and put us on the curb of a Depression worse than the great depression, he admitted that himself.

BullShit; you cannot identify ONE single Bush policy that caused the mortgage implosion and subsequent stock market collapse.

I challenge you find anything that supports this bullshit.

So ever since the Right noticed "we completely sold out to Corporations and sold out America" they realized they had to FILIBUSTER everything this new President does.

BullShit; this is nothing more than dishonest rhetoric with not one shred of credible evidence to support the claim. It is the dialogue of dimwits and morons.

In the process of "Everything Obama does is wrong" America has paid the price, because it's no longer "whats good for America should be". It's now "Whatever Obama says is wrong and all he wants is control".

BullShit; more hyperbole and personal opinion. But the irony for LEFTIES like you, and yes, you are a leftie and could never be mistaken as a Conservative anything, is that when Bush was President it was considered to be patriotic to obstruct him.

What is most amusing about dimwitted claims made above is this notion that YOU, or any dimwitted lefty, personally know what is “good” for the country. Does it occur to you that millions of others may not agree with your version of what is “good” for the country? I am certain that my idea of what is “good” for the country is far different from yours.

It is an idiots argument.

I'm a "Conservative spending right winger" mixed with a "liberal freedom leftist" kind of guy.

BullShit; You’re nothing of the sort. You have never uttered anything on this forum that could be mistaken as “conservative” or “right winger” and side constantly with the cabal of loony lefties who bombard this forum with stupidity equal to your own; this post a prime example of it - irony eh?

The "left" isn't spending because of the gridlock is what I use to think. Until I researched what states are spending more Federally without paying it back and it's the RED states that spend and don't pay the bill.

BullShit; this is another incredibly stupid argument. If you had the slightest clue, which of course you do not, you would see that this “distribution” mentality has evolved as a result of the miscreants in Congress trying to manipulate and drive economic outcomes.
This is why REAL Conservatives like myself argue for term limits, abolishing the tax code, eliminating Departments of Housing, Education and Energy and balanced budget amendments; there are too many voting dimwits out there who want something for nothing and plenty of corrupt lifer politicians willing to pander to them.


BullShit; there are NO facts to support this hyperbolic rhetoric. In fact, it is as dense as a black hole.

History is not a friend to such moronic rhetoric. Please show me where increasing taxes, or cutting taxes has ever affected long term revenues or diminishing deficits.

The Right Wing states, mostly the Libertarian and Tea party states, are refusing to pay their taxation. America is built on Taxation, you have to pay it or fight it, you can't just not pay it.....

BullShit; this is more of the same two paragraphs above, you’re just too dumb to remember that far back.
So tell me dishonest one, who did you vote for in the last 6 elections?
That would be fine and dandy if there weren't so many uninformed twits like you out there voting.

That's amusing; I have two Democratic State Senators whom I have never voted for and who do not represent anything I value; how am I voting for them?

God you're one dumb dimwit.

Jefferson said that the key to a successful democracy was an informed electorate.

And now... you want to enact term limits because the rest of the people in your state disagree with your choices. Go fuck yourself. Put up viable candidates and maybe they'll win.
Jefferson said that the key to a successful democracy was an informed electorate.

And now... you want to enact term limits because the rest of the people in your state disagree with your choices. Go fuck yourself. Put up viable candidates and maybe they'll win.

Wrong again dunce; it is because uneducated, hyper partisan dimwits like you can vote for corrupt politicians who pander to your ignorance, and the fact that the original intent of our founders was a PART TIME Congress, I support term limits.

Carry on Commander dimwit.
is that why the DNC and RNC try so hard to force ignorance upon their constituency??

It's fascinating to watch Libertarians whine and carp about both parties as they sit on the sideline wallowing in irrelevance.

The DNC and RNC do not need to force ignorance on the American sheeple, there's plenty of that to go around. But Libertarian ignorance is a special kind of dumb mixed with paranoia.

Wrong again dunce; it is because uneducated, hyper partisan dimwits like you can vote for corrupt politicians who pander to your ignorance, and the fact that the original intent of our founders was a PART TIME Congress, I support term limits.

Carry on Commander dimwit.
term limits are an insult to the intelligence of every voter.
the mere idea of term limits is insulting to my intelligence.... obviously not to yours, however. the constitution has built in term limits... they are called regular elections. If you don't LIKE the job the incumbent is doing, why in the world do you feel compelled to vote for him?

How about the system being inherently rigged towards incumbents? And further, insult to your intelligence or not, the calcification of power into the hands of a few is the polar opposite of a free society.
And how do term limits go against that? Further, voters have been shown to be too stupid to be good judges, therefore your theory doesn't pass the smell test.
you are saying that our democracy will fail, aren't you? Not because we don't have term limits, but because our voters are too stupid to be well informed? Term limits won't limit the potential for corruption in elected officials, it will only serve to magnify the effectiveness and influence of lobbyists and "professional" career staffers.

The electorate always has a choice - if the incumbent is not doing his job, just fucking vote for the other guy. How tough is that?
you are saying that our democracy will fail, aren't you? Not because we don't have term limits, but because our voters are too stupid to be well informed? Term limits won't limit the potential for corruption in elected officials, it will only serve to magnify the effectiveness and influence of lobbyists and "professional" career staffers.

The electorate always has a choice - if the incumbent is not doing his job, just fucking vote for the other guy. How tough is that?

Dear dunce; the current system magnifies the influence and success of lobbyists. Term limits along with abolishing the current tax code supplanting it with a Fair Tax and banning all Federal subsidies will end corruption and influence peddling in Washington.

But I digress, I am talking to a dishonest liberal dunce who thinks Government works fine as long as his "deciders" are in charge. The minute the other guys win, the dunce will whine and carp how bad the system is.

Another Liberal dunce who likes the status quo and merely parrots he wants change but too stupid to know what real change means.
you are saying that our democracy will fail, aren't you?
Will fail? It has failed. It's failed spectacularly.
Not because we don't have term limits, but because our voters are too stupid to be well informed?
That's one reason to be sure. Not the only one, but part of it.
Term limits won't limit the potential for corruption in elected officials,
Oh yes it does. They can only be corrupt for so long. That is a great limitation.
it will only serve to magnify the effectiveness and influence of lobbyists
Good, we need actual experts in things advising our legislature.
and "professional" career staffers.
You think my version allows them to stay on as well? Nope. Staffers go too. Anyone who's sniffed too much power doesn't get to waft in the odors.

The electorate always has a choice - if the incumbent is not doing his job, just fucking vote for the other guy. How tough is that?
And term limits make it easier. Are you saying you want democracy to be harder?
Explain this moron!!!

This so-called “NEW” President had his party in total control of the Congress for the first two years of his first term, what did he accomplish? Why Obama-Care of course. How’s that working out for ya Goober?

What you truly are is a socialist moron promoting extortion of the most productive and the bribery for votes of the lesser productive with the extortion loot. You’re a neo-communist jerkoff.

How do you explain the fact moron that nearly every State has a “balanced budget amendment” whereby they MUST balance the State budget? How the fuck do red States balance the budget without paying the bills idiot?

The majority of the left Goober don’t pay anything they get paid by the government in return for their left-ass vote.

I’ll remind you moron that GOVERNMENT IS FORCE. Government holds the gun in the back that will put anybody’s fucking ass in jail for ”refusing to pay their taxation.” Name names Goober!!! Who are the libertarians and right-wingers in jail for not paying their taxes?????

You’re not only a hypocrite and a moron, you’re also a fucking liar and total bullshitter!!!

Explain this? Really? You don't understand that once Corporations have control of Government what can happen? You support Citizens United but don't understand why you support it.

This isn't rocket science kid.