Is Islam just uncucked Christianity?

When's the last time a Quaker threatened you?

By allowing religion be the accepted insanity, we're teaching people that emotion matters more than facts. So any religious group, whether we're talking Quakers or Odinists, is contributing to this problem.
I doubt it. The God of Abraham is mightier than Allah the Moon God.

I never understand how they don't grasp such a simple verifiable concept.

Allah is not God. Allah is the Moon God.
Welcome to the first verse of the Bible in Arabic;
By allowing religion be the accepted insanity, we're teaching people that emotion matters more than facts. So any religious group, whether we're talking Quakers or Odinists, is contributing to this problem.

I agree. It's probably 'Child Abuse'. But our Tradition is to let them practice their medieval customs. I support people who want to believe in anything they want to believe in ... as long as they don't interfere in the rest of Society or become a Problem.
I agree. It's probably 'Child Abuse'. But our Tradition is to let them practice their medieval customs. I support people who want to believe in anything they want to believe in ... as long as they don't interfere in the rest of Society or become a Problem.

Same. I support the freedom of religion, I don't think people should be jailed for being religious. However, I think religion should be seen as a bad thing and religious people should be openly mocked and condemned.
Same. I support the freedom of religion, I don't think people should be jailed for being religious. However, I think religion should be seen as a bad thing and religious people should be openly mocked and condemned.

Well, that's what's happening now. I think they were probably brainwashed by their parents, and now are stuck in their Cult mentality and can't do much about it.
I agree, as long as they are peaceful, I see no reason for mass round ups and arrests.

"Under American tax law, churches are exempt from having to pay federal, state, and local taxes."

I see this as a Problem that needs to be corrected.