Is It Civil War?

What happens in Europe is important. The whole continent is under attack by the Muslims. Violence is a constant when Muslims are invoved.

US where have skinhead crimes gone up?
Don't see it US. I read lots of sites and don't see the big skinhead attacks. How about a link?
No link for you Toby, you will just have to strain you brain and look a bit ;)
It was on several sites yesterday. Of course I am sure Rush did not talk about it :)
US always with the same answer when asked for a link, which is about everyday, says google it! LOL
Hey toby, my main man, why don't you ever answer any questions? Asserting that what happens in Europe is important is not an answer to the question why is it relevant. You have to tell us why it is important not just that it is. When you fail to tell us why your assertion and your post is important, your assertion is nothing more than an opinion and those are just like assholes, every one has one.
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It is important because it is an attack on western civilation. It shows the hate of the muslim movement that is taking over Europe and that will effect our long term interest.

Looks like we have come a long way from the "Freedom Fries" doesn't it? Not too long ago we had to change the names of food stuffs and boycott everything French to show them how wrong they were about not supporting the foolhardy Fiasco in Iraq. Now not only are the French an example of what the Muslims will do, but they have become the very seat of Western Civilizaiton. Tell me toby, my main man, when did this dramatic reversal occur? And dare I say it, WHY?
US always with the same answer when asked for a link, which is about everyday, says google it! LOL

heck it is not my fault that you only listen to Rush Tobes. Read something else and keep up with the world :)

I posted no quotes so I need not post a link.
France is just one european nation. They are all under attack just France is the one I picked to talk about. I don't have to agree with all thier policies but I do support their overall western culture. Feedom fries is a nothing point. Silly retoric. Is that all you have?
Asking a little too much of Tobes there prakosh .
I try to keep it within his capabilities. Like proving I never post links fro quoted material.
Come on toby I am waiting....
US you cut and paste all the time without links, I have called you on it many times.

I don't listen to Rush, he is not available where I live. Why is he such a big boogie man to you? LOL Do you think he is hiding under your bed waiting to get you?
US you cut and paste all the time without links, I have called you on it many times.

I don't listen to Rush, he is not available where I live. Why is he such a big boogie man to you? LOL Do you think he is hiding under your bed waiting to get you?

Heck Rush is available everywhere on am talk radio.
On the cut and paste without quotes here , Prove it tobes or you go back on ignore.
Put out Or as far as I am concerned I will shut you up.