Is it just coincidence that the anti-mask Patriots are now pro-Russian?

And once again, you (and they) seem unable to articulate what 'better' is. Because that's not what they are interested in. They are interested in bashing Biden. And so are you. You even use the juvenile 'Brandon' label. It isn't about discussing options, it's about bashing the other side. You aren't that hard to figure out.

The fact is that Biden has unified Europe and painted Putin into a corner with sanctions. But that was never going to be good enough for you, because it's 'Brandon'. You are like seventh graders on the playground.

And once again, the point isn't whether I articulate anything at all, the point is that it is stupid to equate a wish for a stronger response, which can be anything from applying the sanctions before Russia entered Ukraine as a deterrent and incentive to act like a responsible global citizen all the way up to some of them supporting sending in some US troops killing some Russians, with "supporting Russia"... only a moron could possibly believe you really cannot comprehend that a wish for a stronger response (and likely a wish for a return to energy independence) is not, nor can it be "accidentally" conflated with, "support Russia".

Basically, you ask for a specific "definition" of what "more" might mean and I've already provided it. There are infinite choices that are stronger than what Brandon did, and those folks can want any of them and not one of them will ever be "support Russia".

You stupidly and purposefully pretend to equate someone who wanted a stronger response from the US to "support Russia" because you think it makes for a better bumper sticker, but it is just stupid. It clearly indicates you simply do not choose to use the brain cells you have to actually participate in a conversation.
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You are a fucking moron,
Insults get you nowhere.
but I don't mind occasionally talking to fucking morons...even if they are under the hilarious delusion that they are smarter than anyone.
Insults get you nowhere.
Voting for Joe Biden no more makes me a Democrat
Yes it does. If you vote for a Democrat, you are a Democrat.
than voting for Ronald Reagan made me a Republican.
Yes it does. If you vote for a Republican, you are a Republican.
Ask some grammar school kid to explain that to you.
Voting for and supporting a Democrat makes you a Democrat. Voting for and supporting a Republican makes you a Republican.

All you are showing is that you can't think for yourself. You drift with what you perceive is popular opinion.

More than likely, he/she will easily be able to do it.
Just did.
The logic is not that complicated...except for a moron.
Apparently it's too complicated for you. By your own definition, then, you are a moron.
I'll bet you thought you were independent, but someone Smarterthanyou has disabused you of that notion. You should be SO thankful that you can find out all about yourself from the brilliant and insightful right wing posters here. Me? I have no job and no education and live in my Mom's basement. I didn't know that until they told me.

Sorry to hear about your blindness.
Is it any coincidence that idiots who wanted to wear masks forever and ever without regard to the actual science still cannot comprehend that folks that think our response was weak and late mean that they are not "pro-Russia" and in fact think that our response should have begun before the invasion and been stronger?

And once again, the point isn't whether I articulate anything at all, the point is that it is stupid to equate a wish for a stronger response, which can be anything from applying the sanctions before Russia entered Ukraine as a deterrent and incentive to act like a responsible global citizen all the way up to some of them supporting sending in some US troops killing some Russians, with "supporting Russia"... only a moron could possibly believe you really cannot comprehend that a wish for a stronger response (and likely a wish for a return to energy independence) is not, nor can it be "accidentally" conflated with, "support Russia".

Basically, you ask for a specific "definition" of what "more" might mean and I've already provided it. There are infinite choices that are stronger than what Brandon did, and those folks can want any of them and not one of them will ever be "support Russia".

You stupidly and purposefully pretend to equate someone who wanted a stronger response from the US to "support Russia" because you think it makes for a better bumper sticker, but it is just stupid. It clearly indicates you simply do not choose to use the brain cells you have to actually participate in a conversation.

there's the real damo.
Which 'idiots' wanted to wear masks forever?
You. King Newsom. Chief Puppet Joe Biden. King Inslee. King Brown.
Could you be a bigger hypocrite?
Damocles is not advocating wearing masks. YOU have though.
You whine about how 'the libs' are accusing people of being pro-Russian, and here you are making a completely idiotic statement that people 'wanted to wear masks forever'. LOL at you.
To Damacoles: QED
I thought anatta claimed to live in Orlando. He also claims to be the worlds best telephone salesman. But who knows. Neither one seems like anything to write home about. The reality is that these positions both come from the same place, with the possible exception of moon. That place is not necessarily 'pro-Russian', but rather anti-American, and specifically, anti-Biden. If Biden is against someone, they are for that someone. That's why they defend Putin.

Florida is a State in America, dude.
Insults get you nowhere.

Insults get you nowhere.

Yes it does. If you vote for a Democrat, you are a Democrat.

Yes it does. If you vote for a Republican, you are a Republican.

Voting for and supporting a Democrat makes you a Democrat. Voting for and supporting a Republican makes you a Republican.

All you are showing is that you can't think for yourself. You drift with what you perceive is popular opinion.

Just did.

Apparently it's too complicated for you. By your own definition, then, you are a moron.

and you can't see the that the simplistic two party system is retarded, because you're retarded.
You have an interesting imagination, I'll give you that. You responded to my FIRST post in this thread. And in the other thread, I asked a simple question..... 'define stronger response'. Never got an answer, but I don't really care. You just did the exact same thing you accused others of doing in that thread. And you did so in a thread that makes a valid point. Pretty hard to argue that the people named in the OP don't support Russia. Their posts speaks volumes. And yes, if you don't condemn the invasion, and instead claim that Biden is to blame for not addressing Putin's concerns, I consider that support of Russia.

Pivot fallacy. Semantics fallacy. Denial of self argument. Non-sequitur fallacy.
Actually I answered it over and over, pretending that y0u are stupid notwithstanding, you thrust your fists against the posts and still insist you see the ghosts...

I now know you are incapable of introspection and a bit slow.

The only introspection you see from people like this is enough to project their own problems on somebody else, typically Republicans.
Independents are even worse. People who stand for nothing fall for anything.
I've said it many times. Nobody with balls can comfortably straddle a fence.

I prefer the Republicans who openly wear the scarlet letter over those who slither around pretending to be "centrists."

You actually make a valid point, even though you dislike Republicans.
Fuck you, Asshole. I am a registered capital "I" Independent.

If you want to call me a Democrat because you are stupid enough to think only Democrats can see the Republican Party as the traitorous, piece of garbage it has become...

...okay. Go with it.

You are a fucking moron. So, it does not really matter what you think...if you do "think."

So you are a registered nothing. Gotit.
I see our problem, Nifty.

You think I give a shit what you prefer...what you think. And you think I give a shit what you consider an Independent to be.

I'd sooner give consideration to what a brick thinks.


You actually believe a brick can think???!?
You are a registered asshole is what you are, and a liar, you can claim you are independent because you want the attention of pollsters, but your statements prove you are a dyed in the wool progressive lib!

Go find your sister/wife and make some inbred babies, so the dems will have more voters in 18 years!

And once again, you (and they) seem unable to articulate what 'better' is. Because that's not what they are interested in. They are interested in bashing Biden. And so are you. You even use the juvenile 'Brandon' label. It isn't about discussing options, it's about bashing the other side. You aren't that hard to figure out.

The fact is that Biden has unified Europe and painted Putin into a corner with sanctions. But that was never going to be good enough for you, because it's 'Brandon'. You are like seventh graders on the playground.

Putin doesn't care about sanctions. Biden didn't unify Europe. Europe isn't unified. The European Union (which does not cover all of Europe) formed long before Biden. Even members of the European Union are at odds with each other.