Is it moral to avoid taxes?

Is it immoral to avoid paying taxes?

  • I don't pay taxes because I live in Mom's basement and use food stamps.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only losers follow the illegal tax laws, the 16th Amendment was never Ratified!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Red Herring.
Not. The central theme is whether it is okay to "lie" in order to avoid your taxes. Did these people do that? I surmise that they didn't. In fact it was one of the reasons in some thingy, some kind of declaration or something that they wrote, listed as to why they decided to cut ties with some government somewhere.
Also, Washington perfected the art of spying and guerrilla warfare- techniques of deception; lies.

Was he acting morally?
Also, Washington perfected the art of spying and guerrilla warfare- techniques of deception; lies.

And this justifies your lying on your tax forms?

But people telling their kids that homosexuality is ok (as the AMA & APA say it is) is a lie that must be fought?

Not. The central theme is whether it is okay to "lie" in order to avoid your taxes. Did these people do that? I surmise that they didn't. In fact it was one of the reasons in some thingy, some kind of declaration or something that they wrote, listed as to why they decided to cut ties with some government somewhere.

Had to see that in bold. lmao
SM, you are now thanking trolls who invented a character to make fun of you? lol
So did you find any biblical passages that show you are allowed to lie, and it not be immoral?

Or is the bible based morality you want for the nation completely dependent on your opinion and self-interest?
I linked to a summary of them earlier. You must have Alzheimer's to forget so soon. Probably lack of oxygen due to your fat neck.
I linked to a summary of them earlier. You must have Alzheimer's to forget so soon. Probably lack of oxygen due to your fat neck.

You linked to a story about Gideon's battle strategies. Not any passage that talked about it not being a sin or being ok.

Attempts at insults, SM? By your rules this would mean I could claim victory. But I am content with the actual debate. (at least it was a debate before you started dodging the topic)
So God commanded Gideon to sin? The fat's gone to your head.

No SM. And Gideon's placement of extra lamps and using extra trumpets is a far cry from you deliberately lying and signing your name swearing it is accurate.

And you do so to save yourself a few dollars. There is a major difference there too.
Isn't deception a sin? Isn't lying a form of deception?

You're dancing now, like a drunken fat man, but still dancing.
Isn't deception a sin? Isn't lying a form of deception?

You're dancing now, like a drunken fat man, but still dancing.

So you are claiming that deception is the same as lying, and that it is all a sin? But you also claim to be a moral man. How do you square those two opposites?

No dancing here. Direct debate works just fine.
We've been through all this. You continue to misrepresent my position because you have nothing better to do.

I have been saying the same thing and you have not given any serious justification for your immoral behavior.

You offered links to Sun Tzu strategies.

You offered a single passage about Gideon's war tactics (in which he did not actually lie). And in the same link were more quotes that condemned lying.

You made some reference to trying to fight against the gov't overextending its reach. But that doesn't hold water.
This is a poll thread, and most people agree with me, therefore I win. :)

Solitary now claims "Appeal to Popularity".
This is a poll thread, and most people agree with me, therefore I win. :)

Solitary now claims "Appeal to Popularity".

At least you see the fallacy of your own claim.

Funny that you accept the popular opinion when it is in your favor, but reject polls that disagree with your views.

That is called "hypocrisy". You can look it up.