Well-known member
We cannot solve racial inequality until we admit it exists. You clearly aren't there yet. Obviously, the GOP is not there. But it does exist. I can't make people acknowledge a problem. We have a huge wage/wealth gap, but you, as a libertarian, wouldn't do a thing to fix it, and neither will the GOP. So, same, same.
Yes, I believe our policing was and still is something to protect white people from black people. It is what it is. Early police departments in big cities were almost exclusively white. And of course, law enforcement in the south began with slave patrols, which were basically storm troopers. If you were not aware of how policing started, then that again is part of the problem we face.
There are thousands of black people in jail for possessing marijuana. Not so much with white people. Why do you suppose that is, given that marijuana use is the same among both groups? That's the nonviolent crime I'm talking about. Same with crack cocaine. Why were penalties for crack so much more severe than penalties for powder? Take a wild guess.
To the bolded, the Congressional Black Caucus and black leaders back in the 70's, 80's and possibly even into the 90's pushed for tougher sentencing for crack cocaine crimes because they saw their communities getting devastated and were trying to do something about it. Today these crack cocaine disparities get chalked up to racism, white supremacy and Jim Crow Part II (Michelle Alexander) but that's ignoring the history.
I'd offer a certain degree of caution when trying to address the subject from a partisan political perspective. Today we look at the 80's and 1994 crime bills and say they are racist etc. but they were both largely written by Joe Biden. You have a lot of hands in the pot that created current laws. Partisan politics is a separate rabbit hole to go down.
Glen Loury's point of how we self divide based on race has nothing to do with how one votes. Arguably, it's a human behavior/desire to live in the best neighborhood possible, want a safe neighborhood, want to send your kids to good schools. Most people want that, regardless of what their political beliefs are. And that we self segregate by race and economics transcends political beliefs. So that's the argument as I understand it, you can't say people should segregate but it's ok to actually do it.