Is it Pete Buttigieg?


That's terrible for trump.

Try as he may, he cannot touch her.
He doesn't even have to try...She's taking care of doing "that" ;) .. the nervous laughter In the word salads are back ...;)
She has talked to several people so far.
I personally would like to see her talk to Sen. LT Col . Tammy Duckworth , she has a great record , she is a disabled Military vet , that had her legs shot off by a RPG when she was flying a Helicopter in the Iraq war , has a great voting record for Vets and women not only in the House but the Senate too.
Her or Sen. Kelly would both be great as VP.
IF Mayor Pete did become her choice I would vote for them but I ma still thinking that the people of the USA are not ready for an openly gay VP or President , Mayor Pete has done a good job at everything he has done but again being openly gay will be a big drawback for the Dems.
Have a nice day
I'd love to see Tammy Duckworth as VP too. Plus her senate seat is safely blue in Illinois, so the (D)s won't lose it to an (R) like they might if Kelly is chosen.
Poor Don-OLD he would never be able to hold back the childish slurs toward Duckworth.
Oh, you know it. "Gimp," "gook," "couldn't have kids the right way," etc. And all the MAGATs will gleefully join in to bash a decorated veteran who lost her limbs in combat while serving the nation. IMO the only reason she wasn't tapped is the idea of having two women on the ticket. Might be too much for our more delicate white male snowflakes to handle, eh? lol
trump never made more money than when he was in office.

Sure...the incompetent fake billionaire destroyed the brand, but the $2 billion he got from Saudi Arabia for top secret documents more than made up for it.

It's too late for Republicans to get a quality candidate. They made their bed, and their only ploy is voter intimidation and voter suppression.

It's not going to work. The Dem. ground game is now MASSIVE. They will make sure that all registrations are perfect.
and we do not know how much he got for any secrets he gave ( sold ) to the 12 Russians and Putin when he had meetings with them WITHOUT another American , let alone a Russian speaking American in the room with them.
The right can't tell us for SURE he didn't give , sell, them any secrets or not, and the only way we will ever find out for SURE is if one or more of those Russians come forward and tells us what he gave, sold, them.
and this is the type of " Great leader " the right wants to elect and protect our top secret military secrets, yes I still wonder how many he sold to them.
The CIA , NSA, and FBI have said there was an unusual increase in the number of our deep cover agents being found and some being killed not long after he had those 12 in the W H , did Trump out them?
Trump should NEVER be allowed to even get near any of our classified information EVER.
Have a nice day
I think so too.
But I don't think they are ready for two women on the top of the ballot.
Have a nice day
That was my thought as well. A good lot of the Deplorables won't be able to tolerate the thought of a woman of color as POTUS as it is. Just look at the Reichwing MAGATs here focusing on her race and gender with so much rage and vulgarities.
I thought it was Shapiro, but tonight NBC is reporting Buttigieg is changing plans for a meeting w Harris in the morning.
The Mayor who was so bad at his job that Dominos Pizza took over fixing potholes in his town and the Border Czar that Never Was together "at last" on one ticket.

Please be Buttigieg... Please....
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Poor Don-OLD he would never be able to hold back the childish slurs toward Duckworth.
He would tell all kinds of lies about a disabled WAR VET.
one that got her helicopter shot down in the Iraq war by an RPG and lost her legs.
A vet that came back was elected to the House then has been elected to the Senate two times.
Trump has NO RESPECT for any of out military people or our VETS NOT ONE BIT.
Have a nice day
I still think it will be Shapiro.

Buttigieg is probably the best choice for America. Unfortunately, America is not ready for Buttigieg. Shapiro is the best political choice...and I think Kamala Harris and the Dems have to take that into consideration.
I think it is more likely to be the Arizona Senator, trying to get that Border Czar stain removed, though the Antisemitism stain may still remain....