Is it possible

I suppose that would depend on whether or not it was necessary to feel bad. By the way, what exactly is "feeling bad" meaning in this statement?
I was asking if "feeling bad" meant that you felt pity, or felt guilty or some combination of the two. I do not know what you meant by '"dog."'
I was weed whacking yesterday, and I tore a snail clean out of its shell. I felt bad for the little guy. He was just trying to eek out a living like the rest of us.
I was weed whacking yesterday, and I tore a snail clean out of its shell. I felt bad for the little guy. He was just trying to eek out a living like the rest of us.

I had a similar experience while mowing one day. I turned a frog inside-out on accident...I've felt bad about it for years.
I feel guilty about pulling weeds even.

Life is so precious I just hate to see any living thing lose it. When I thin out flowers in my garden in early spring I always plant the seedlings into pots because I cant stand the thought of throwing them away.
Oh well.............

I feel guilty about pulling weeds even.

Life is so precious I just hate to see any living thing lose it. When I thin out flowers in my garden in early spring I always plant the seedlings into pots because I cant stand the thought of throwing them away.

you must be super skinny from not eating all the wonderful fruits,veggies and meat God put at our disposal...what do you eat ?:rolleyes:
you must be super skinny from not eating all the wonderful fruits,veggies and meat God put at our disposal...what do you eat ?:rolleyes:

Fruits and vegtables for the most part is how the plants reproduces and many are designed to be eaten by other living things to help the plant propogate.

I eat meat and al adn yes I dont think about the anmila Im eating. I also still pull the weeds and throw them away( well sometimes I will pot a tree sapling or other voluntary plant). I realise Im making choices about my survival when I eat. It does not stop me from realising my feelings for other living creatures and their value.
I feel guilty about pulling weeds even.

Life is so precious I just hate to see any living thing lose it. When I thin out flowers in my garden in early spring I always plant the seedlings into pots because I cant stand the thought of throwing them away.

Then stop pulling weeds already. Besides, nice lawns and gardens are overrated... :tongout: