Is it possible

to feel bad for a snail?

Yeah. this is what they call stage one of becoming a vegan.

By next year your hair will be long, you'll stop shaving, your diet will consist of nothing more than figs, wheat stuff, and cous cous. A year and a half from now you'll find yourself at a green party convention.
The wikipedia article on deconstruction is about ten pages of stuff telling you how it can't "be defined". If it's impossible to define, it doesn't exist. This is why I usually stick to britannica...

It can be defined, just not well. Deconstruction is pretentious by nature, and, as one teacher of mine once said "You can deconstruct the meaning of 'dog' all day, but eventually you have to go to the grocery store."

It is sort of a difficult concept to explain, but at the same time relatively simple to do in conversation or debate.