is it racist.....

Racism is the improper extension of a genetic trait [property] across other items of the 'people' class, or across the class itself.

What lefties have a hard time with is how racism is about race. They wish to remove race from racism and have the word cover a much broader range of bigotry than it does. Racism the a belief that one race is superior to another.
that doesnt even make sense
Yes, it does. It was written in English, and it makes reference to logic. You are simply illiterate in both English and logic.

you stupid russo bot hole
Insult Fallacy.

tell your Siberian programmer to brush up on English translation
It WAS in English; you are simply illiterate in English. You've spoken Liberal for far too long...

It is not racist to say inner cite poor are just as talented as rich white kids in the Burbs
Yes, it is.

racist republicans are not who we allow to define racism
Racism Fallacy. Not all Republicans are racists.

that would be like letting child molesters define child molestation
Earth to evince, Earth to evince... ahhh, screw it...

let just stick to sources like Merriam Websters
False Authority Fallacy. Dictionaries do not define words. They are not an authority over any word definition.
What lefties have a hard time with is how racism is about race. They wish to remove race from racism and have the word cover a much broader range of bigotry than it does. Racism the a belief that one race is superior to another.

It seems to me that these types of people more or less just want to scream "you're a fucking racist!" as an insult towards anyone who they view as "the enemy".

They don't understand how logic defines the word... They don't understand that racism is a logical fallacy... Same thing applies for bigotry.
"people in the inner city are Just as smart and talented as white kids from the suburbs"

and you idiots say that is racist?

the inner cities are more diverse than the CHILDRENS BLOOD CRAVING RACISTS areas you guys seem to come from
look at what these russo bot holes are defending

they say dead brown babies shot by right wing kids full of hate they expressed with bullets is not racism

but BOY are they pissed at Biden for saying the diverse inner city kids are just as smart and talented as white kids frim the burbs

they can hardly contain themselves

soon they will be getting their guns and killing some brown babies over it
I guess I will just have to assume you believe it to be racist........would you vote for a person who said something like that?.....

You voted for a person who says worse than that nearly every day. Jo is famous for gaffes. Trump has removed that stigma. Gaffes are amusing little peccadillos since Daffy.
the murders told us asshole

brown people

two latino children were shot and killed at Gilroy

the shooter hated brown people

yet you republicans REFUSE all sanity and FACTS

Brown is not a race. Latino is not a race. No racism without race.
you NEVER see racism in events where people of color are harmed you evil fucking diarrhea puddle

But you claim this is racist and CANT EXPLAIN WHY???????


explain your self you stupid russo bot holes

If you need explanation, you're either purposely stupid, or a Democrat, or both!!!!!!!
is it racist to say "poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids"?....... was a mistake, not a belief. Boden has been famous for gaffes his whole life. It was a cause of concern for Dems until Trump came along and anything goes. He says anything and it evaporates. So Joe should get the same rights as Daffy.
....agreed.....which is why we will be treating Joe the same way you've treated "Daffy" for the last two years.............

We're even many steps above that yet... We're taking a quote, word for word, and noting the racism within that quote WITHOUT needing to first construct a racist model to project onto the quote, for the racist model was already created by the speaker.

THEY, instead, are just screaming "you're a fucking racist!!" because they don't like the guy's politics and/or the guy himself. In order for us to stoop to their level, we would need to pull out the whole "have you stopped beating your wife" line of thinking... In other words, we would need to assume their guilt of racism from the get-go, make them prove that they AREN'T racist, and then scream "you're a fucking racist!!" at them anyway...