is it the political climate?....


fully immersed in faith..
is it just me or have others noticed our liberals are becoming increasingly shrill and it just spring fever or does the impending November election make them feel a bit frantic?.....
is it just me or have others noticed our liberals are becoming increasingly shrill and it just spring fever or does the impending November election make them feel a bit frantic?.....

As Christie said, "It's just you" and I think frantic more suitably describes the Cons. They wish it was already November because they know changes are coming before then. Health care being one of them.
As Christie said, "It's just you" and I think frantic more suitably describes the Cons. They wish it was already November because they know changes are coming before then. Health care being one of them.

If the health care passes the way it is presented now, it will be the Dems who will lose in November.
The Dems are going to take a beating no matter what. If they drop the health bill they'll both be attacked for having crafted it and not have passed it at the same time. I don't think not passing it would even get them a tenth of a percentage point in the polls.
Seriously, you retards, do you really think anyone in America is going to be like "Hey, the Dems didn't pass UHC, that makes me want to vote for them."

This is why you aren't a political strategist.
Seriously, you retards, do you really think anyone in America is going to be like "Hey, the Dems didn't pass UHC, that makes me want to vote for them."

This is why you aren't a political strategist.
People whose Congressman made a better choice have a more likelihood of voting for an incumbent. It's not like they are voting for "The Dems" when Independents go to vote, they are looking for somebody who will pay attention and vote for their interest. At this time their interest lies in this bill not going forward.

Passing this will allow a larger "bloodbath" on election day than killing this purposefully and replaying this. Just make sure that on the replay they won't hide in the back rooms to pay graft in order to gain votes and you'll have a very different result. Play it all out on CSPAN, make sure it is open and you can build the exact same bill and have a very different result in polls.
People whose Congressman made a better choice have a more likelihood of voting for an incumbent.

220 Democrats already voted for the bill. 220 Democrats are going to get attacked for voting for the bill. 50 Democrats are probably going to get attacked even though they didn't vote for the bill. Passing it or not is not going to change that math.

Just make sure that on the replay they won't hide in the back rooms to pay graft in order to gain votes and you'll have a very different result. Play it all out on CSPAN, make sure it is open and you can build the exact same bill and have a very different result in polls.

The senate bill they're creating right now would get rid of the pork to Nebraska and Louisiana. That was obviously a disaster of epic proportions, another reason Reid needs to be sacked and to retire (hopefully we can get Goodman to run in his stead - otherwise this is a Republican pickup).

Anyway, the negotiations were never particularly closed. That's just a Republican talking point.
4th grade gin

On March 3, 2005, Goodman spoke to a group of fourth-graders at Jo Mackey Elementary School. When asked what he would take with him if marooned on a desert island, the mayor replied, "A showgirl and a bottle of Bombay Sapphire Gin." When asked about his hobbies, the mayor named drinking Bombay Sapphire Gin as a favorite. Later, when asked to comment about his statements, Goodman was unapologetic: "I'm the George Washington of mayors. I can't tell a lie. If they didn't want the answer, the kid shouldn't have asked the question." This caused an outcry from parents whose children heard the remark, and school officials said the remark was inappropriate. [4]

Ohmigod. I want this man in the US senate.
People whose Congressman made a better choice have a more likelihood of voting for an incumbent. It's not like they are voting for "The Dems" when Independents go to vote, they are looking for somebody who will pay attention and vote for their interest. At this time their interest lies in this bill not going forward.

Passing this will allow a larger "bloodbath" on election day than killing this purposefully and replaying this. Just make sure that on the replay they won't hide in the back rooms to pay graft in order to gain votes and you'll have a very different result. Play it all out on CSPAN, make sure it is open and you can build the exact same bill and have a very different result in polls.

Does it seem that Obama is becoming a bigger problem and that Bush is slowly going to the back burner, for the complaints.
The libtards got what they wanted, complete control, and of course abused it, so will be spanked hard by the voters. Even Watermark admits this, which is why they are all shrill, due to fear and panic.
The libtards got what they wanted, complete control, and of course abused it, so will be spanked hard by the voters. Even Watermark admits this, which is why they are all shrill, due to fear and panic.
They're desperately trying to hold on to a majority when they had a super majority. Scary thing is many of them are willing to just hand it over in order to pass legislation their constituency says "Hayul No!" to.
They're desperately trying to hold on to a majority when they had a super majority. Scary thing is many of them are willing to just hand it over in order to pass legislation their constituency says "Hayul No!" to.
They've been working at this for decades since its the Holy Grail of liberalism, to get everyone in the US in some kind of entitlement program for every year of their lives, not just some piddly social security check when they retire. They typical Democrat voter says "what have the Republicans ever given me"? They are gambling that there may be a short-term backlash, but the Party will reap benefits for generations.
If the health care passes the way it is presented now, it will be the Dems who will lose in November.
Maybe, but don't overstate the situation. The Dems may lose some seats but they won't lose majorities in either house and that's assuming they pass some for of HC reform. Two years later, in 2012, if those reforms have proven affectie, Republicans will have a political problem on their hand.

The reverse is true of the reforms are not affective.

Either way HC reform is coming. As Obama is sayinig now, How high do rates have to be and how many people have to be droped from coverage before it happens.

It will happen, it's just a matter of when.
People whose Congressman made a better choice have a more likelihood of voting for an incumbent. It's not like they are voting for "The Dems" when Independents go to vote, they are looking for somebody who will pay attention and vote for their interest. At this time their interest lies in this bill not going forward.

Passing this will allow a larger "bloodbath" on election day than killing this purposefully and replaying this. Just make sure that on the replay they won't hide in the back rooms to pay graft in order to gain votes and you'll have a very different result. Play it all out on CSPAN, make sure it is open and you can build the exact same bill and have a very different result in polls.
You're right about incumbant fever but that works both ways. The contradiction in your opposition to HC reform is that most Americans support the individual proposals in the plan. Quite a contradiction there.

It's not going to be a blood bath. The Dems will lose some seats in both houses but not there majorities.