Loves Me Some Souls
I'd rather kill Billie Dee Williams...oh, wait....
Mark Hamill was successful outside of Star Wars. He's a big-time voice specialist and just about every version of The Joker that needed a voice belongs to him.
"Whites" don't matter, fascism knows no race or allegiance to anything but a good cracka goyim
"Whites" don't matter, fascism knows no race or allegiance to anything but power.
Most "whites" in degenerate, consumerist nations are weak, sickly, defective, obese and belong in death camps; if it serves the ultimate interest of fascism and power to incorporate African or Islamic fascists into the fascist cause at the expense of degenerate, weak, and defective white vermin, then so be it.
Fascism only respects power, evolution, might, and will just as soon discard a "race" when it becomes degenerate and defective as it will embrace one.
So I proudly support the "genocide" of defective whites, as well as the immigration of anti-Democratic Muslims who don't approve of degeneracies such as pornography, homosexuality, transgender freakery, and so forth.
If exterminating the "white" people of America and Europe in favor of the immigration of Muslims who are more likely to accept fascist values, rather than degenerate, "white" consumerist values, then I support this wholeheartedly.
Nah, I proudly support the destruction of degenerate whites much as I would the degenerates of any other race.Kill yourself.
Lately Mark Hamil has been spreading dangerous and subversive anti-Trump propaganda on his Twitter account. I think someone should shoot this senile old motherfucker in the head. Maybe the other freaks and degenerates and their sycophants will get the memo once their ilk start winding up with a few bullets in the heads and keep their subversiveness in the closet, let they be the next target lying face down in a pool of their own blood.
The second Night of the Long Knives should really start commencing soon if some brave patriot will just take up the gun, knife, or other weapon of choice and remind the subversives that "frees peach" isn't free - if your "speech" isn't fascist state approved, you'll pay for it with a bullet to the head, much as how every other degenerate ounce of "freedom" or false "individualism" that doesn't serve facism should be stamped out or gutted whereever it emeges, lest the scum and subversives get the false idea that they have any rights but what the fascist state allows them for its own survival and self-interest.
At that time I never found Mark to be a woody actor. Want to know who's woody? Hayden Christensen. He did redeem himself in episode 3.
To be fair, Episode II was mostly the soap opera drama that lead to everything. It was pretty cool in parts but even as a diehard fan I'd skip portions. Big fan of Count Dooku and Christopher Lee as a whole.\m/
FBI watch list.
Talking about killing people is a borderline crime.
Yep, Mark Hamill SHOULD be on this list. Good call.
Is it time for Donald Trump to be assassinated because of his bad acting in "Home Alone"?
No, but YOU should be bumped off for this stupid comment.
Dude, ever seen that scene in Home Alone?
President Trump was in it for THIRTY SECONDS, if that. You can't judge a person's acting ability on such a brief cameo.
You still doesn't get it.
Here's a good video.
I GET it. He was in the scene for MAYBE 30 seconds, you CAN'T judge one's acting ability on such a short scene.
I never claimed I could judge his acting ability.